4 Things To Consider Before Hiring a Commercial Painter
Posted in: Commercial
On August 14, 2020

You want to make your building look better and one of the best ways to do that is to add a new coat of paint on it. A new coat of paint can change the entire look of a building. It can create an ambiance that goes best with your business and the perception of your business. You can truly change the feel of a building with a simple coat of paint.

That being said, getting that right coat and getting the right person to do it is a different story. commercial painters are going to save you a lot of headaches. Choosing the right painter can be a difficult task but if you consider these 4 things before hiring a commercial painter you will be in a much better position.

1. Reputation is Pivotal

commercial Painter

source: mattthepainter.com

There is a reason why bad services tend to have bad reputations and good ones have rave reviews. When choosing a commercial painter you should always check the reviews. Whether that be from Google, Yelp, or any myriad of review sites, the reviews matter.

While reviews matter, some reviews carry more weight than others. You should delve deep into the written reviews to truly understand the reviews. The reason behind that is you can understand why the company is being reviewed that way. Some reviews can be misplaced which is an experience many businesses have dealt with.

It is said that 91% of customers who are unhappy with a business will leave without complaining. Make sure you read about the 9% that do complain. Understand that if the reviews bring up the same issue than it is a serious and real issue. Weeding out good and bad reviews can be tough, but it is pivotal in knowing what type of business you are going to be dealing with.

Written reviews are key because some regular reviews can be disingenuous. Reviews can be bought by people who own bot farms. These bot farms are a collection of fake accounts created by code that can send 1,000s of desired views to any business. If you see a suspicious number of reviews know that this may be the case.

Quality matters on a review so do not just go based upon average rate. Read more into the written reviews and try to get a better understanding of how the company is run. After that is done you will have a better picture as to which commercial painters are worth considering for your business.

2. Pricing Matters

commercial Painter

source: amazonaws.com

You may be able to afford a huge budget for the painting project, but that does not mean you should overspend. Getting quotes from multiple commercial painters can help you have a better understanding of the cost and let you know when the price is either too good to be true or if they are trying to milk you.

Pricing is an important aspect, but do not go out there committed to paying for the cheapest option. Saving $100 now may lead you to lose $1000 in the future. Quality matters and just because its the cheapest option does not always mean its the best. Make sure to consider everything before deciding.

Pricing is affected by material cost, labor cost, and other things. Quality is important and weighing those pros and cons are going to help you make the right choice. 

3. Knowledge is King

commercial Painter

source: unsplash.com

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When hiring someone you want someone who knows what they are doing. An experienced person is oftentimes an accomplished person. A commercial painter who has experience and knowledge can go a long way in ensuring you get the right paint for your business.

A knowledgable commercial painter can provide services that others can’t. Whether it is knowing which paints are best for which wall type or which colors best create the look you want, know-how is important. Selecting the right colors can greatly impact the feel of your office and can even affect productivity. Knowledge is power and something you can utilize with the right person.

Paint type, color, design are all things that need to be considered when painting a building. Having a person that can help guide you through that process can better ensure that you are making the right decisions for your company. Always vet whoever you are choosing to hire first to make the right choice.

4. Service in a Service Industry

commercial Painter

source: allperfectstories.com

Service is important and whether that be customer service or the actual service, all aspects should be of the utmost quality. As a customer, you want to make sure you are able to be in contact with your painter and have effective conversations. Communication is incredibly important for a job like painting so having a painter that can communicate is key.

Communication is crucial and should not be looked down upon. Consumers have rated that the level of trust garnered with a company is most impacted by customer service. You need to be able to know that a company is available when you need it and can assist you when problems arise.

The service provided through the entire painting process must also be considered. From scheduling a work time to form a contract, you want to be working with a company that makes that process seamless and easy. Having a company that provides great service can save you from distress.

With Great Knowledge Comes Great Choices

commercial Painter

source: propertymanagerinsider.com

If you properly evaluate commercial painters with the 4 things listed you can sleep well knowing you made the right choice. The look of a business says a lot about the business so having the right set of paint goes a long way. From quality to color, the paint affects the entire perception of a business.

The color of your business is incredibly important in how you want to portray your business. Having a commercial painter that can give you the right look and feel for your customer to experience when they walk in is the desired goal. The right commercial painter can do this.

Stay smart and stay informed and you will be able to bring the best look for your company. Painting your building can be an overwhelming task but surrounding yourself with the right people can make that task miles easier.

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