Things You Need to Check Before Buying a Faucet
Posted in: Architecture
On March 26, 2021

Best Faucet Buying Guide

The faucet gives your finish the last finishing touch. And that’s why you never doubt to spend your money buying one. So, if you are remodelling or upgrading your kitchen and need the latest top notches hardware, you should know a few things before buying it. Surely this would help you get the faucet manufacturer  you will look for.

Spout height

best faucet


Faucet spouts can vary in height and reach, and many of the time, you can just choose the look or the design you like the best. In case you have the shelf just above the sink, then the tall spout maybe not a good choice. Always have a long faucet for the bath that may not cause you to slop water behind the spout when you wash your hands.

Select the ceramic valves

Get yourself ceramic valves if you do not want to have a dripping faucet. Other types of valves are usually dripped free for years, but they cannot match the reliability of ceramics. It does not cost you; the cost is the same as the other faucets. 

Single handle

best faucet


Two-handle faucets have a stylish symmetry that suits many bathrooms, especially the traditional ones. But, honestly, a single handle faucet has all the advantages. They are convenient. The water temperature adjustment is easier, and there’s one less handle to clean. It is easy to install.


With the two-handle faucet, you can separate the hot, and the cold handles to the left and right of the faucet. It gives a traditional look. It gives you a more precise temperature adjustment than the single one.

Pull out and pull down

best faucet


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A counterweight helps the hose and spout the retract neatly. A pull-out spout comes in handy when it’s about vegetables rinsing or sink itself. Remember the hose should belong to reach every corner and can clean. 

Hands-free Faucet

If you want modern stuff in your kitchen, then you must look for a hands-free faucet. The best models have an activator on the front of the faucet. It should have something to cover the sensors as well. A movement sensor activates water, so if your hands are full or dirty, you don’t have to touch the fixture.

Bar Kitchen 

best faucet


If you have more than one cook in the kitchen, you should look for a hands-free sink where it is easier to wash the vegetables. Many high-end kitchen designs can free up space in the sink. It can be directly connected to a hot water dispenser. Or to the cold filtered water dispenser.

Count the holes in the sink

Before switching to  two handles from one handle faucet, count the number of holes in your sink. Some single-handle faucets have holes that are covered to hide the extra holes. If you currently have a “widespread” bathroom faucet with two handles far from the spout, you can’t switch to a single-handle model. But before changing to anything, know the above-mentioned things.


These are the few tips or guides at The Architecture Designs that we would like to suggest to you. So, before going to buy new things for your modern kitchen, know these things that are importantly required. I hope this will help you.

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