Most Attractive Sustainable Architecture Designs
Posted in: Architecture
On July 12, 2019


The type of architecture design used here is advantageous to our surrounding because sustainable architecture addresses that the material, method, and energy used for designing the building should not have a negative effect to our environment ecosystem and society. 

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The theory of this architecture designing is to ensure that the future generation does not face any problem and at the same time, it also comply with our most basic principles – social and economic. It is also environmental tenable.

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When designing this type of architecture architect must take natural resources and condition of the surrounding into consideration. The sustainable architect must reuse every harnessed waste into an efficient way. 

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Energy efficiency used in this kind of architecture is a very important cause. This decisively means putting both passive and active method into action so that that the energy used by the building reduces and it enhances their ability to capture or produce their own energy. Builders have to see every possibility so that they exploit the lesser environment as much as possible and to accomplish this goal numerous strategies have been used by the architects.

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As I have already explained before that the aim of sustainable architecture is to have less negative brunt on the surrounding. Thus using the recycled material reduces energy consumption. Looking for the great renewable resources than bamboo could be of great use. It can be harvested only after six years for the mercantile usage and others like sorghum, straw could also be used for sustainable architecture. 

A sustainable building has to be made by looking at all the objectives which include all are waste materials in a quite effective way.

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