Everything You Need To Know About Replacing Exterior Doors Oakville
Posted in: Home Decor,Home Improvement
On September 21, 2023

Guide On Replacing Exterior Doors Oakville

To leave a lasting impression, entry doors must possess a unique blend of sturdiness, resistance to the elements, and aesthetic appeal. Regrettably, many front doors may find it difficult to achieve these requirements. To achieve a lasting impression, you may need to replace your old exterior doors Oakville with new ones.

You will find a wide range of possibilities, whether your front door meets this description or you want to swap out a solid door with one with glass panels for more natural light. Modern wood doors are better constructed to endure the elements than older models. Here is a guide that will make your project in replacing exterior doors less complex.

What Is Replacing Front Doors?

exterior doors

source: pinterest.com

You can switch out one door, sometimes referred to as a slab or blank, for another when replacing a door. The old door framing, including the threshold and door jambs, may need to be removed and replaced in some circumstances, especially if these wooden parts are beginning to decay.

Even if the door frame is still in good shape, opening and shutting the door may be challenging due to uneven wall stud settlement or warping. 

Adjustments, such as planning the top and bottom or trimming one of the corners to guarantee appropriate door alignment, may be required to fit a new wooden door into an uneven frame. 

It’s crucial to remember that a wooden door is the only type that can be adjusted; metal and fiberglass doors cannot be planed or trimmed.

Prehung Doors

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source: pinterest.com

Most new exterior doors Oakville are prehung units, which means the door is attached to hinges within a fresh frame that frequently includes weather stripping. Prehung doors are a great option when the current structure is damaged or if you want to increase the opening.

Decide whether you need a left- or right-hand door before ordering a prehung unit to replace your old door. If the lockset is on your right as you exit the doorway while standing inside it, your door is on the right.

Measure the height and breadth of the current door jamb, taking measurements from the inside borders of the casing, to choose the correct jamb size. 

The frame’s height and width should be increased by 1/2 inch. Manufacturers across their faces calculate the width of the door, and most doors are 3-0 (36 inches) or wider.

Kits For Door Replacements

exterior doors

source: pinterest.com

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Consider using door-replacement kits, like the Replace Door Systems, as an alternative to completely replacing the door frame. These kits come with a prehung door enclosed within a compact steel frame, which can be attached to your existing structure. 

The benefits of using these kits are that they are easy to install and provide improved security due to the steel frame. However, remember that these kits may slightly decrease the original opening size, have limited size options, and cannot be installed over damaged door jambs.

External Door Styles

exterior doors

source: pinterest.com

Manufacturers usually offer door styles, which you can explore at home centers and door dealers. If you have specific design preferences, some manufacturers even allow you to personalize your door by choosing the panels and glass options you want for replacing your exterior doors Oakville.

However, it’s important to note that these custom doors must be specially ordered and typically take two to eight weeks to deliver. 

Alternatively, you can collaborate with a local woodworker or millwork shop to make a wood door according to your exact specifications. While this gives you the advantage of customization, it does come with the drawback of additional time and cost involved in the process.

Buying The Doors

exterior doors

source: pinterest.com

When you’re in the market for doors, whether you’re looking for standalone units or complete door-and-frame systems, there are a few important things to consider. 

The first and most important is to ensure that if you choose a complete entry system, all the components come from the same manufacturer. This is crucial because distributors put together some plans using parts that may not fit perfectly together. 

Also, check that the weather stripping on the door effectively seals it, and make sure the threshold securely connects with the bottom edge of the door. 

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