Tips For Moving Your Home
Posted in: Residential
On June 11, 2022

Moving is never a fun or easy task. This is especially true if you are moving in or to a busy city like London. Getting all of your belongings from one place to another can be exhausting and stressful. Rather than swamping yourself with cardboard boxes on your moving day, use these tips to make the entire process much more manageable. 

Top Moving Tips: 

Pack Early

Tips For Moving Your Home


The most important thing you need to take away from this is packing early. This is the number one tip to implement when you are moving. There is so much that has to get done during a move. Even the most organized people struggle with it. Because of this, you want to look to start the moving process earlier than normal. Ensure that you have some high quality 2 wall Gaylord boxes to start packing. Try to start it a minimum of a couple of weeks before your moving date. This can help you avoid having to rush things when the time comes. It will also allow you to go through things and get rid of things you don’t need. 

Selective Packing

Tips For Moving Your Home


The last thing you want to do is keep that little trinket your niece gave you five years ago. You don’t need to keep everything that you have. The moving process gives you the freedom to go through things and throw away anything that you don’t need. Think about what you truly need to bring along with you. That way, you can figure out some of the things that you can get rid of and free yourself from. You don’t want to be a hoarder. It’s only going to make things more difficult and costly. You need that valuable space for the stuff you need. 

Not only does this limit the number of boxes you have to worry about, but it also frees up a lot of space. You can use that space to better plan where your furniture will go and more.

Create Lists

Tips For Moving Your Home


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One of the top things you can do to stay organized during a move is to create lists. You want to make some lists by hand or by using your phone. This will allow you to create an inventory of what you have and what you are bringing. You can mark everything based on the box you put it in. This can keep you from losing everything during the move which will make it much easier to figure out where to place everything when you get to your new spot. Label all of the boxes with permanent markers. Be specific with what’s in the box. This can make it easier to track everything. You want to leverage to-do list applications like Wunderlist which can help you share the lists with your roommates. 


Tips For Moving Your Home


LOVESPACE is one of the best options available if you are going to be making a move anytime soon. You can get your boxes or furniture collected at your current address and have them moved to a new one. 

You’ll want to ensure all of your boxes are packed, labeled, and sealed for the move on delivery day. We will have our professional and experienced drivers swing by and collect them. They will transport your boxes safely for delivery to your new place. You can click here for instant and accurate storage or packing quotes.

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