Creepy and Cool Halloween Backyard Decoration Ideas
Posted in: Gardening,Home Decor
On September 14, 2020

To throw a Halloween party we need to decide many things as first we need to choose a theme for the party. Then we need to set a date and the timing and also a proper place for throwing the party. We also need to make a proper guest list. If the number of guests we have decided to invite is huge, then we should locate the party in some large comfortable place like backyards. Backyards can be a good place to enjoy the party as it is spacious and is surrounded by nature.

Choosing a proper costume is also very important to make the party theme much more interesting. It’s very easy to find the costumes for sale around Halloween in a variety of places. If someone wants something really unique to wear then he/she might want to consider renting a costume for the evening. You can also add some Halloween games to make the party quite horrible to have fun. Backyards can be made more spooky and enchanting with few decoration ideas.

backyard decoration for Halloween


To set a ghostly atmosphere for your celebration, you can adorn some old dolls with the help of the white sheets. It can be old or new, it doesn’t matter at all. Just try to use white materials to make it much more relevant.

The light decoration is also important to make the party theme much more interesting. You just need to replace all the light bulbs in the backyard with all the colored bulbs which are easily available at your local hardware, craft, or party store. The lamps which can use more than one bulb are also helpful to decorate the backyard vision. Thus we just need to combine any two colored bulbs to create a cool double-vision effect. 

backyard decoration for Halloween


POSSESSED DOLL: This is a very useful thing to use in backyard Halloween party. You just need any old doll and make it look as terrific as you can. Use some red paint, white clothes to give it a bit dirty and horrifying effect. Then you hang it on a tree and tie it with the help of the ropes.

backyard decoration for Halloween


READ MORE  How to Make Your Home Look Like a Haunted on This Halloween


SPOOKY SPIDERS: You can use this idea as well. For making the spiders, you can use thick ropes, paper, sheet etc. And to make the net you can use some thin white ropes circularly. Then hang the big spooky spider on that net. Don’t forget to color the spiders completely black for the spooky effect.


backyard decoration for Halloween



SPARKLING WHITE DOLLS: For this you just need some colorful lights. Then cover them with long white sheets. Then make 3 holes in the sheet for the eyes and mouth. Try to place it in the middle of the backyard. It looks amazing and also terrifying.


backyard decoration for Halloween


DEMONIC PUMPKIN TREE: It’s a very horrifying object to use in the backyard party. To make the tree use some dry leaves, branches. For the face you can use a half of a pumpkin and cut spooky eyes & a huge spread mouth in it. Before hanging the face you can use a red light behind it to make it look more enchanting. You can place some demonic faced pumpkins in front of the tree to make it more eye-catching.

backyard decoration for Halloween


EERIE GRAVEYARD: This idea is also helps to make the backyard look horrifyingly magical. You just need to create a graveyard and adorn it with some skeleton and Halloween dolls. You can also use the white sheet dolls to decorate the place.

backyard decoration for Halloween


WITCH’S CAULDRON: Generally a corner of the backyard is the best place for this. Just make a artificial furnace with some wooden material and spread a bit amount of dry leaves around it. Then place a cauldron on it and stand a horrifying witch doll beside it. You can also use 2 or 3 brooms around the furnace to make look more attractive and demonic.

backyard decoration for Halloween


backyard decoration for Halloween


backyard decoration for Halloween


backyard decoration for Halloween


backyard decoration for Halloween


backyard decoration for Halloween


backyard decoration for Halloween


backyard decoration for Halloween
