Front Door Design Ideas For Stunning Exterior Designs
Posted in: Home Improvement
On August 29, 2018

The front door is the main entrance to the house. The first impression of the guest comes just by the front door designs. It is important to have a clean floor, fresh plants and natural lighting in the front door. The structure of the home dictates the look of the front door.

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In the market, there are many ready options to select the front door. There are available in different styles such as rustic, contemporary, single farmhouse front door, double front wood door. The beauty of the front door enhances by the exposed brick, especially in the case of wooden mid-century door design.

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The stainless steel finishing door goes perfectly with the modern style building. The translucent glass is used in the wooden frame of the door to enhance the charm. Metal and glass combination is also gaining popularity in the recent era. For the color of the door, there are few common shades such as black, brown and white.

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Modern design gives more color options for the door like red, yellow, green, blue, etc. The front door design ideas should complement the main structure of the house. The interior of the front door speaks lots about the owner of the house. As per the personal preference you can decorate the front door.

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The main features of the front door are the handles, knocker, color, style, texture, planters and foliage. There are many different types of modern front door designs that can increase the welcoming charm of the house.

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