Boiler VS Furnace: Which Heating System Is Right for You?
Posted in: Commercial,Home Improvement,Residential
On October 31, 2020

Are you looking to install a new heating system in your home? Are you trying to decide between a boiler and a furnace?

A new heating system can make all of the difference when it comes to your comfort levels during the cold winter months. But, you need to make sure you choose the right heating system for your home.

How do you know which one is better?

Check out this boiler vs furnace guide to learn how to decide which heating system is right for you.

How Does a Furnace Work?

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Before you decide which heating system is better for your home, you first need to understand how each of these heating systems operate.

With a furnace, heat is distributed through your home’s air duct by a blower. Hot air is released into rooms throughout your home through vents or registers that are located on the ceilings, walls, or floors.

Many newer homes have furnaces because they’re less expensive to install than boilers. And, notably most furnaces use fuel to heat up the air. You can Click here to learn more about the fuel for your furnace. There are several different types of furnaces, including wood, electric, natural gas, and diesel/oil.

How Does a Boiler Work?

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Boilers work by heating water, which is then turned into steam. The hot steam then moves through the pipes in your home and is then dispersed through your radiators.

Some boilers move hot water through radiant floor systems or baseboard radiators. Or, they heat the air with a coil. Boilers can run on a variety of energy sources, including oil, electricity, wood, and natural gas.

Furnace Pros and Cons

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As we mentioned, furnaces tend to be less expensive than boilers. Here are some other benefits of furnace heating systems at

  • When they leak, they typically only leak air, so you don’t have to worry about water damage like you do with boilers
  • Furnaces don’t contain any water, which means you don’t have to worry about them freezing
  • Furnaces only take a few hours to install, whereas boilers can take days

Of course, there are downsides to furnaces as well. These include:

  • They’re less efficient than boilers
  • They tend to make more noise
  • The air heat is not as consistent as water heat

Furnaces also tend to blow out dust and allergens, leading to inferior air quality. If you’re interested in installing a furnace in your home, make sure you talk to a furnace installation expert.

Boiler Pros and Cons

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Boilers also come with some unique benefits and drawbacks. Here are some upsides to boiler installation:

  • They’re typically more energy-efficient and offer more consistent heat
  • They make less noise than furnaces
  • They require less maintenance
  • They offer better air quality

The downsides you need to consider include:

  • They don’t react as quickly to thermostat adjustments
  • They’re more difficult to install
  • It’s almost impossible to switch from a boiler heating system to a furnace

Also, keep in mind that. boilers can leak water, which can pose a danger to your home and your health.

Boiler vs Furnace: Which Will You Choose?

Now that you’ve read this boiler vs furnace guide, it’s time for you to decide which one is right for your home. Pretty soon, you’ll have a new heating system installed and your home will be a lot cozier.

Be sure to check back in with our blog for more home improvement articles and tips.

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