How To Care For Boston Fern
Posted in: Gardening
On June 25, 2022

One of the most popular houseplants, the Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata), is also one of the easiest to care for. Here are a few tips to keep your fern looking its best:

Light: Boston ferns prefer bright, indirect light. Too much direct sun will scorch the leaves, so if you live in a sunny climate, place your fern near a window that receives filtered light. If your home is on the dim side, a grow light can provide the extra light your fern needs.

Water: Keep the soil moist, but not soggy. Ferns like high humidity, so misting the leaves with water is a good idea, especially in dry winter months. Also read more Care For Boston Fern

Fertilizer: Feed your fern monthly during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength.

Care For Boston Fern


Potting and Repotting: Boston ferns are fast growers and will need to be repotted every one to two years. Use a potting mix designed for ferns or make your own by mixing equal parts peat moss, perlite, and sand. When repotting, be careful not to damage the delicate root system.

Pruning: Trim off any brown or yellow leaves as they appear. Also, cut back the foliage by one-third in late winter to encourage new growth in the spring.

With a little TLC, your Boston fern will thrive for many years.

Types of Boston Fern

Care For Boston Fern


There are many different types of Boston fern, all of which are native to the eastern United States. The most common Boston fern is the Nephrolepis exaltata, which is also known as the sword fern. This type of fern is characterized by its long, sword-like leaves and its ability to grow up to three feet in length. Other popular types of Boston ferns include the Nephrolepis bostoniensis, which is also known as the Boston fern, and the Nephrolepis cordifolia, which is also known as the heartleaf fern. Both of these types of ferns are characterized by their heart-shaped leaves and their ability to grow up to two feet in length.

How to Grow Boston Fern From Seed

Care For Boston Fern


If you’re looking to add a touch of greenery to your home, why not try growing Boston fern from seed? Here’s how:

  1. Start by soaking your fern seeds in water for 24 hours. This will help them germinate faster.
  2. Next, fill a planting tray or pot with a seed-starting mix. Wet the mix thoroughly and then drain off any excess water.
  3. sow your soaked fern seeds on the surface of the planting mix. Gently press them into the mix but don’t bury them.
  4. Place the tray or pot in a warm, bright spot but out of direct sunlight. Keep the mix moist but not soggy.
  5. In 2-3 weeks, you should see little ferns sprouting up. Once they’ve grown a few inches, you can transplant them into individual pots or into your garden.

Temperature Range for Boston Ferns

Care For Boston Fern


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The Boston fern is a striking houseplant that is known for its lush, green foliage. This fern is native to the tropical regions of the Americas and prefers warm, humid conditions. In the wild, Boston ferns can be found growing in tree crevices and on rocky slopes.

When growing Boston ferns indoors, it is important to maintain a consistent temperature range. These ferns prefer temperatures between 60-75 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature dips below 60 degrees, the Boston fern will start to go dormant and its leaves will turn brown and drop off. Conversely, if the temperature rises above 75 degrees, the Boston fern will become stressed and its leaves will start to turn yellow.

Potting and Repotting Boston Fern

Care For Boston Fern


Potting and repotting Boston ferns is a simple process that can be done in just a few minutes. The most important thing to remember when potting or repotting Boston ferns is to use a well-draining potting mix. Boston ferns do not like to sit in wet soil, so it is important to make sure that the potting mix is well-drained. A good potting mix for Boston ferns is a mixture of peat moss, perlite, and sand. You can find this mix at most garden centers or online.

To pot or repot a Boston fern, start by removing the fern from its current pot. Gently loosen the roots and remove any old potting mix. Place the fern in the new pot and fill it with the potting mix. Water the fern well and place it in a location that receives indirect light.

If you are repotting a Boston fern that is already in a pot, you may need to trim the roots before repotting. This is only necessary if the roots are pot-bound, which means they are growing in a circle around the edge of the pot. To trim the roots, use a sharp knife or pruning shears and cut 1-2 inches off the roots all the way around the pot.

After repotting, it is important to water the fern regularly and fertilize it monthly. Boston ferns are heavy feeders and need lots of nutrients to stay healthy. When watering, be sure to water the soil, not the leaves. too much water on the leaves can cause them to rot.

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