In a big city, where air pollution is the major issue, the indoor garden is the best option to purify the air inside the house. The indoor herbs garden provide many benefits like fresh herbs to eat, clean air to breath and add little greenery in the house.
With a little effort, you can create a small garden, irrespective of the size of the house. The kitchen garden is one type of indoor garden. There are some creative ideas, which help to create your own indoor herbs garden.
One Pot garden is the easiest way to plant herb in one big pot. You can plant different types of herbs in one single bucket and add a level to avoid confusion in front of the individual plant. In the case less floor space, you can plan for the hanging garden. Ceiling top or in the window panel, hang the pot with help cloth or plastic holder. We can use our bookshelves for an indoor garden.
The bookcase can be used as a substituted of a pot. Windowsill garden is the excellent indoor herbs garden ideas. In the windows available of natural light is maximum, which help the plant to grow in the natural environment. Plastic bottles are the non-biodegradable waste.
You can use this bottle to hold the plants. This bottle can hang in the wall with beneficial herbs planted on it. The vertical or horizontal garden can create in the house with these bottles. There are herbs, which have medical benefits can use during an emergency.
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