How to Clean Wallpaper with Appropriate Techniques?
Posted in: Home Decor,Home Improvement
On September 25, 2020

In homes, the most attractive part is how you represent your wallpaper! That’s changing day – by – day as per the trend going on, but one thing remains the same. Wallpaper should be kept clean regularly as they contain dust, dirt, air-borne grease particles, filth, and finger-prints proof around the switches. But, you can clean it up with very few tools.

How often to clean wallpaper

remove wallpaper


It is found out that the wallpapers must be dirt free once in two-three months if you stay around high – dust areas. If you see, blotch and lubricant platter that should immediately wipe out from the wallpaper. Not only this, after removing wallpaper you must have a look on your wall that is it good? It won’t take much time, just scrub the wall with hot water and a burly household cleaner to remove epoxy resin residue.

Precautions before you begin

Before you begin with your cleaning, you must be aware and sure what kind of material is carried on your wall, that it may get affected with another chemical, and can destroy the beauty and nature of the wallpaper. So you must take a few steps to avoid indemnity from cleaning methods and products.

Steps to avoid damages

You can use painter tapes to protect edges by the wallpaper of the ceiling or wall. Pertain suitable tape to the edges and corners of the wall about paper, so the overload polish is not splattered beside the wall. If you are not sure about what type of wallpaper is fixed over the wall, you can clean it in another way is that, take a cup of warm water, pour a drop or two of dishwashing liquid, apply a small amount of solution you prepared on the very few parts of the wallpaper. If the surface soaks the solution and color bleeds then try a water-based solution on it, to test what kind of paper is that? Many other chemicals can be used to avoid other damages.

Now let’s have a look at different wallpaper designs and their properties.


remove wallpaper


One can say it as the most popular design which is being used for several decades, further it has a tendency to last for many more years. This is all because of its high durability and easiest maintenance. Moreover, it has properties like water-resistant which assist one to rely on it whenever opting wallpaper for bathroom and kitchens too. You can even get many new enhanced versions out of vinyl products out of which vinyl coated fabric is the one and in trend right now. Besides all its wonderful properties, it is inexpensive too.


Upgraded versions come up with dozens of advantages. Fiberglass is ultra-durable, fire-resistant, fade-resistant, and much more. Not only this, according to research it is been found that this material is eco-friendly in the sense of avoiding the growth of bacteria and much more. It is resistant even against chemical environments. The only disadvantage of this material is that it can sustain only for 30 years, after that you have to replace it anyhow. While maintaining it, you can scrub it as many times as you want as it is moisture resistant also.

    Nonwoven paper

Though wallpaper made from nonwoven material is the most eye-catching one. The production of them is much similar to that of coffee filters; deduction of this material is done by blending out synthetic and natural fibers together. The main advantage of it is; it lets the wall breathe and keep them refreshing, while maintenance is the most difficult part over here. As they are non-washable which indirectly means that a little dirt particle is also difficult to take away. Such wallpapers are good for office purposes or commercial purposes, but if you want it anyhow then it would match up good with your home too.

    Natural grasses and bamboo

remove wallpaper


Many of us admire having a natural product in our house, and why should we not? Natural products help us out with many things, by cleaning the environment pollution, by making the surrounding calm and relaxed, by purifying the air, and much more. The composition of such wallpaper is done with the help of materials like jute, sisal, reeds, hemp, etc. while in the case of bamboo; bamboo is glued with the help of paper backing. Such wallpapers will neither stand up no matter what you are using to clean them.

    Flocked paper, foil, and traditional

Another way to get natural wallpaper is by using traditional materials that are made up of cellulose fibers. They are highly affordable and are always in a condition of ready to use, but they can get torn easily. Though they do not stand up well with water, moisture, and several other cleaning products. An upgraded version of them has been introduced which has come up with materials like metallic foil, they are foil and flocked paper. They are way expensive but durable.

 Many new supplies keep on coming day – by – day, thus, whenever you are opting for a perfect supply, be choosy about its durability, maintenance, cost, and moisture effects.

remove wallpaper



  • Bucket: For holding on water or solution, you are about to use for cleaning purposes.
  • Sponge: For scrubbing the dirt and unwanted particles out of the cleaning area.
  • Microfiber cloth: To boost up the drying process.
  • Dull edged knife: Having a sharp-edged knife can be a risk at such instances, thus a dull-edged knife suits well here as some dirt won’t get off by scrubbing.
  • Vacuum with an upholstery attachment


  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Warm water
  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Chlorine bleach
  • Paper towels
  • Cotton swabs
  • Plastic wrap

Many of the supplies can be sorted from your list if you know about your material type and the exact supply you are going to use throughout your cleaning processes. Also, if you don’t have any tool with you, then you can easily purchase it from your hardware shop. Once you are ready with your tools and supplies along with the safety measurements, then do follow the instructions mentioned below.


Remove the dust from the surface

remove wallpaper


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The very first to be taken, while cleaning your wallpaper is removing the dust from the surface. Every type of wallpaper must be dusted once in a week, as there are many cobwebs, dust, and loose soil, attached to the wall. Thus, if we do not maintain them in proper time, then obviously it will increase slightly to a level thereafter removing them would be a difficult task. All you need to do is, take a vacuum with the upholstery attachment, and start vacuuming the wall from the top to bottom, make sure to go through smooth strokes around every area of the wall which makes you free from every type of loose dirt.

Mixing and applying the cleaning solution

As we discussed if you have vinyl or fiberglass wallpaper, then mix dishwashing liquid with some warm water in a bucket. Stir it properly so that the solution is then in ready to use condition. Keep varying the solution accordingly as per the type of material you have. Though some wallpaper materials like traditional would not require any kind of solution, all they need is proper vacuuming. There are many stains that won’t get rid of vacuum, at those instances one can rely on rubbing alcohol and sponge. Be soft while applying rubbing alcohol on them.

Wipe down the walls

After getting ready with the solution, take a sponge, and dip it in the solution. And then start scrubbing the surfaces of your wall evenly, work from top to bottom, if you are working on materials like vinyl and fiberglass, you can go on rough scrubbing, but in the case of natural grasses and bamboos do not go on rough scrubbing, a normal scrub is enough. This process will help you in achieving the maximum part of your cleaning. Be aware of the over-saturated scrub, as it contains the maximum moisture in it which can have a bad impact on the wall. Also, be concise to do this process at its finest.


remove wallpaper


Now leave the wall alone for air-dry, if you don’t have much time and you are looking for boosting up your process, then take a microfiber cloth and start drying it by wiping it on the wall. Be sure about the cloth you are using as if you use a dirty cloth then it will ruin your whole work till now. Always opt for neat and clean cloth for such purposes. Once the wall gets dried out completely it’s time to cover for following the further instructions.

Stains inspection

As of now, you will get rid of loose dirt, lightly soiled areas, and cobwebs. Also, you might now get rid of some dullness factors of your wall as we went through the scrubbing process. Now you can peacefully inspect the stains that still exist on your walls. Do inspect carefully the areas like light switch plates, behind skins, and especially the surface where your child can access with a crayon. It is not just about inspecting them down, even mark the position of them, if you are way weaker in such works, then you can often rely on noting down in a book.

Remove scuffs, dirt, and fingerprints

Use a gum eraser or rubbing alcohol for getting rid of scuffs, dirt, and fingerprints. These solutions can be applied to every type of the wallpaper material; in the case of vinyl and fiberglass you can often rely on a dot of dishwashing liquid, apply the solution on a sponge and keep scrubbing it until every type of smudge gets removed. After scrubbing it out; take your sponge again but this time dip it into normal water and rinse that area. When done with rinsing let it get dried up, you will observe that you have come up with the utmost outcome.

Remove crayon marks

remove wallpaper


Having small kids in the house means having a lot of innovative creation, out of every creation of them one is drawing on the wall with crayons. While inspecting the stains you might have seen many marks of crayons. Removing those marks is really a difficult task to do. At first, take a dull-edged knife or your credit card to remove the access crayon wax from your wall. After that take several pieces of paper towels and make a thick layer out of it, put that layer on the crayon mark and then iron it out. Select the no steam option while doing the iron. You’ll see that wax transfers on the towel papers. If required then keep on repeating the process until and unless you get the satisfaction.

Remove mildew stains

Mildew stains have been the stickiest stain ever in existence. If any of the mildew stains get stuck to your wallpaper made of nonwoven paper, traditional paper, or natural grass and bamboo, then you cannot do anything, at that time you have to remove wallpaper. But if it is on your vinyl or fiberglass paper, then rush on and have one-fourth cup of chlorine bleach mix it with one cup of warm water. Take a sponge, dip it into the solution, and scrub the surface for around 5 minutes. After that dip it in normal water and rinse it. Keep on repeating the same process if required.

Sometimes it may happen that chlorine bleach won’t help you in getting rid of it. In such instances, you can even go on applying distilled white vinegar. To apply the security measurements while working with it.

By following the instructions step by step mentioned above, you can achieve clean wallpaper, sometimes you may notice grease steps too. You don’t have to worry much about it, just follow the steps the same as you did in mildew stain removal. 

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