DIY Ingenious Compost Bin Ideas for Your Garden
Posted in: Gardening
On April 3, 2020

The world is miserably suffering a lot in current times, knowingly or unknowingly we have eventually made the life of earth a bit more difficult. Starting from the harmful gas emission to spreading chemical pesticides and insecticides to the plants we have done it all. But have we ever bothered that the chemical which plants are absorbing in this process is eventually consumed by us only. So at the end of the day, it has become a vicious cycle and in this cycle, we are only affecting ourselves. So sensing this adverse effect of insecticides and pesticides, a few decades back scientists have come up with the concept of organic farming which includes composting methods that become a natural fertilizer and insecticides as well.

Compost Bin For Garden


Compost Bin For Garden


To know the need for the compost bin, we first need to understand what composting is? So composting is an aerobic process where you decompose kitchen wastes such as vegetable peels, eggshells, and dried leaves also. The main concept behind this is to decompose the whole thing properly and for that air is required in huge amounts. So to maintain this process and having the manure in a perfect place you need a compost bin for the garden which can hold on the manure until it is used. 

Compost Bin For Garden


Compost Bin For Garden


So the TAD project has come up with some DIY Compost bin ideas which can help you have your compost bin just the way you want and like. Since it is DIY so you can make it and shape it the way you like. 

Compost Bin For Garden


Compost Bin For Garden


The first idea of ingenious compost bin is a netted boxes bins. The only thing which needs to be taken care of is that the net should have small or minute holes. And the nets should be supported with strong wooden sticks so that it stays in its place and the manures don’t wash off. Since these are DIY ideas you need to be a bit more careful related to constructing the whole idea well. 

Compost Bin For Garden


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Compost Bin For Garden


The second idea is the wooden planks compost bin. So what you need to do in this type of bin is that you need some wooden planks of the same length and then place then one above the other and stick them all making the whole thing in a box. And that’s it just doesn’t place a lid because placing a lid will hamper the moisture content and thus the composting process will also hamper eventually.

Compost Bin For Garden


Compost Bin For Garden


The next among the ingenious compost bin ideas is again a netted one but this time the shape of the bin is circular. The look of the whole thing also becomes way nicer and it becomes easy to take out the manure when it is prepared without any hassle. Again only a single thing should be taken into consideration and that is the net should have a small hole and shouldn’t be closed.

Compost Bin For Garden


Compost Bin For Garden


The next idea is again a wooden plank idea. You need to have some wooden planks and then accordingly fix all of them into a box-like structure but the only difference in this one and the previous one is that any one of the sides should be open like a door. So that you can close it whenever you need it and you can open the same when you need the manure.

Compost Bin For Garden


Compost Bin For Garden


The next idea is also of a wooden plank compost bin but this has a proper opening and that should be a wide one in any of the sides. The main logic behind this is to achieve a nice level of moisture so that the manure turns out to be good. By keeping aside open you can also check from time to time that is the manure ready or not. How much time does it require more to prepare well and all this? So having an opening in any of the corresponding sides can be a great idea.

Compost Bin For Garden


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