Remodel Ideas: Home Office for a Small Room
Posted in: Architecture,Home Decor
On November 22, 2021

The pandemic forced people to stay at home to avoid contracting the virus. Children had to attend school through virtual classrooms while office workers did their jobs through online conference rooms. This had us all remodeling our homes to accommodate a new work area where we could do our tasks in peace without impeding home activities. But many people only have small homes with even smaller rooms, making it difficult to provide an area specifically for work.

Some have created a temporary space with hopes that the pandemic will let up in a few months, but looking at the current state of the world, working from home can be part of this new normal. Because of this, we all benefit from making a more permanent space to work in. Here are some tips at The Architecture Designs that help you with this task to create the illusion of space within a small room.


Home Office for a Small Room


Colors associate certain feelings and ideas when used as paint for the home. Knowing the psychology of colors can help to give you what you need for your work area. For one, you can make a room look more spacious by painting your walls a lighter color and the opposite for darker ones. The color tones can also make a space feel warmer or cooler. Different colors can symbolize different things that you want to tie into your workspace.

Bigger Window

Home Office for a Small Room


Lighting can help to make a room more spacious than it is. One way to add more light is to open your curtains and let the light in through your windows. You can cut some hedges or tree branches that are blocking the sunlight from entering your room. You can even have new, bigger windows installed to let in more light than before, although this can be more expensive. But it is a small price to pay to create more room without needing a home extension construction project.

Wall Garden

Home Office for a Small Room


Plants are always welcome inside the workplace to help people be more productive while working. So with limited space, a vertical garden might be the right way to go. A moss green wall on one side of your work area can be used as a backdrop for other wall plants.

You can opt for more greens with various shades and sizes or flowering plants that can add a pop of color. You can also choose to hand planters from the ceiling to maximize the vertical space. Be smart with the placement of these plants to keep them out of your way but still visible to the eyes to inspire you whenever you need them.

Wall Shelves

Desk drawers might be too bulky for a small room, so you can install floating shelves. You will be able to use it for storage and for holding decorations to enhance your room. Recessed shelves can also be created if you don’t like raised structures. These will be built into your walls to keep the size of the room as it is.


Home Office for a Small Room


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Mirrors are useful items that can trick the mind into thinking that a room is more spacious than it is. If you notice how some small stores have tall mirrors inside, you will find that they use them to let light bounce around and create the illusion of space. You can also use this trick in your home office. A tall or wide mirror can work depending on the style of your room.

Wall Art

Home Office for a Small Room


Lastly, wall art can be used to enhance the beauty of your room. Art decorations can help to inspire you while you work, but they can also help fill empty space on your walls or do the opposite and create some space. Canvas paintings and wall art can be used to add light colors. These can, in turn, make it roomier if you have a small space. You can also use it as a contrast to an otherwise too bright room.

Of course, you can have a room extension built to make more space or work in a separate structure from your home, like a shed. But these things should help to remodel the space inside your home with minimal cost. After all, you can always rearrange the interiors to fit your needs.

Remember that the placement of everything you will be using is the key to making a spacious room, while minimalism can further enhance the illusion. These tips can also be used for children’s study areas with just a few twists to let them have fun while learning. With this, let us all continue keeping our families safe while staying comfortable inside our homes.

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