Various and Most Unique Indoor Plants
Posted in: Gardening,Home Decor
On October 20, 2021

All plant enthusiasts ranging from new babies to seasoned folks always yearn to have more information about species of unique indoor plants. This information not only enables them to choose the one that suits their indoor infrastructure but also cares for them properly.

There are numerous varieties of plants that can be used for indoor décor and ornamentation. Every plant differs from the other one either due to its foliage color, pattern, texture, or stem height, and growth direction. Some of the plants are very demanding while others possess quite friendly nature.

If you want to brighten any surface of your house or give special look to your terraces with hanging baskets of unique plants, then you must glance at the list of unique indoor plants provided in this article.

Asparagus Fern

indoor plant


Botanical name: Asparagus aethiopicus

Sunlight: Low light conditions, shade, or indirect light

Soil pH: 6.5-6.8

Soil type: Well-drained rich soil

Asparagus fern is usually found adorning the patio or deck during the summer season by blooming within hanging baskets. It is a sparkling herbaceous perennial that is not a fern. The plant appears soft, feathery, and fuzzy, however, caring about the plant reveals its thorny nature. Therefore, the use of gloves is recommended while caring for Asparagus fern.

The simple tips for relishing the fullest bloom of Asparagus with beautiful flowers and berries are adequately watering the plant, maintaining the humidity, feeding once a month, and pruning the dead stems. They are also widely popular for their friendly nature as they purify the surrounding air and make it perfect for breathing in.

Pelia Peperomioides

indoor plant


Botanical name: Pilea peperomioides

Sunlight: Bright indirect light

Soil pH: 6-7

Soil type: well-drained

It is one of the most popular house plants because of its bright green coin-shaped foliage. The common names of the plant are the coin plant, Chinese money plant, and pancake plant. These plants are comfortable at places having bright indirect light and express their full beauty in the presence of well-drained soil.

These easy-growing plants are not demanding at all and can thrive beautifully by semi-watering and light feeding. Moreover, easy propagation makes them loveable by all plant enthusiasts. Once you have bought them then you will never have to buy another one to gift your friends or family.

Alocasia Polly

indoor plant


Botanical name: Alocasia X Amazonica

Sunlight: Bright indirect sunlight

Soil pH: 5.5-6.5

Soil type:  loose, well-drained and well-aerated

These tropical plants can be a stunning addition to your collection of indoor plants due to their spectacular foliage. The large rhizomes generate huge hearts and arrow-shaped ears, giving it a popular name for elephant’s ears. They are generally grown as indoor plants; however, you can even bring them out during the warm season and bury them in the ground to enjoy their natural beauty.

They possess a fast growth rate if given adequate conditions and are often considered invasive species. This easy-growing plant can add spectacular beauty to your bedroom, dining room, or living room with little care and effort. The Alocasia plant is specifically a good choice for those who feel nervous while caring for the plants.

Nevertheless, in the case of children and pets, you either have to avoid these plants or adopt a cautious attitude while handling them as they are toxic to them.

Olive Tree

indoor plant


Botanical name: Olea europaea

Sunlight: Direct sunlight

Soil pH: 5.5 -8.5

Soil type: fine-textured soils

Olive trees having silvery foliage, twisted trunks, and a bunch of aromatic white flowers can give a distinctive appearance to your plant collection.   It is an evergreen shrub or tree native to Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Mediterranean. These plants are adored not only for their delicious fruits but also for their ornamental characteristics.

Though this evergreen plant likes bright sunlight, however, you can grow them anywhere within your house. The only thing you have to avoid is freezing temperatures. For growing olive trees as a house plant, you must choose dwarf varieties in this regard as they grow no longer than 6 feet and further pruning can enable you to keep them shorter.


indoor plant


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Botanical name: Orchidaceae

Sunlight: Indirect light

Soil pH: 5.5-6.5

Soil type: Orchid mix

If you are fond of blooming plants then you must consider purchasing an orchid. One of the most interesting features of orchids is their monosymmetrical flowers as both flower sides mirror each other. The symmetry of flowers to their leaves and stems is responsible for their splendid beauty. 

Having a perfect knowledge about the requirements of orchids enables you to have bloomed every day of the whole year. Watering and feeding them once a week and positioning them at a place receiving bright indirect light are some of their necessities. Also, maintaining an adequate humidity level is key to keeping your plant evergreen throughout the year. These orchids are durable plants and possess a life span of 20-22 years with adequate care and time. 

Philodendron Hope


indoor plant


Botanical name: Philodendron Selloum

Sunlight: medium to bright indirect sunlight

Soil pH: 5.6-6.0

Soil type:  rich and well-drained soil

The Philo hope belonging to an Araceae family is a marvelous, easy-to-handle, and evergreen plant with interesting ruffled shaped leaves. You can give a fresh, lovely, and tropical vibe to any corner of your house by giving adequate light and watering conditions.

The cut leaves can even survive for months within a vase and beautify any surface of your house. However, you need to change the water of the vase after every week to preserve its freshness and avoid bacterial contamination.  If you desire to grow your Selloum in the vertical direction, then you must use stakes to guide its growth in an upward direction instead of outward growth. Also, its long stem may bend towards the sunlight, therefore, rotating it frequently is necessary to relish its fullest beauty.

English Ivy

indoor plant


Botanical name: Hedra Helix

Sunlight: Full sun to full shade

Soil pH: 6-7.8

Soil type: Variety of soils

Having an English ivy is just similar to a feeling experienced while meeting your valentine. It produces a horde of heart-shaped leaves that possess varying colors ranging from dark green to light green in color.  English ivy is widely popular for its excellent climbing nature.

They can cling to any surface through their small roots that grow along with their stems. This climbing nature enables them to adorn different parts of the house in varying ways.

For instance, they can be either used for decorating a boring wall or structure or giving a peculiar look to the trellis. Receiving adequate light, water, and care classifies them as one of the most beautiful indoor houseplants. And they give distinctive beauty to the place where they dwell.


Considering these indoor plants will help you to give a unique look to your house, office, or garden. Apart from soothing the eyes and beautifying the positioned place, the majority of these plants play an effective role in purifying the air and making it worth breathing. Moreover, they also help in generating a relaxed, free of stress, and happy ambiance that inspires you to work more effectively and creatively. However, you must beware of their toxicity and keep pets and children away in case any of them are toxic.

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