How to Afford Professional Landscaping Design
Posted in: Gardening
On September 18, 2020

Today, not only rich people can afford landscape design. Many have, if not a private house, then at least a small dacha. Even those summer cottages that are used not only for the purpose of out-of-town recreation, but also «out-of-town work» (growing vegetables and fruits for their own needs) are necessarily decorated with flowers. Here the owners plan on their own what and where to plant, plant the plants themselves and look after them. It is worth noting that they do this not out of need, but for the sake of pleasure. After all, there is nothing better than working in the fresh air, touching the living earth and contemplating the result of your own labor.

Professional Landscaping Design


For those who have no time to engage in gardening or simply do not want to, professional landscape designers of the CaptainHandy company will come to the rescue. This type of design is a very exciting and interesting process. This profession, as mentioned earlier, has long gone beyond the duties of an ordinary gardener. The designer should combine such professions as: florist, botanist, soil scientist, artist and even an architect. Landscaping includes not only landscaping, but also paths, slides, lawns, artificial reservoirs, an irrigation and drainage system, and a lighting system.

Professional Landscaping Design


It should be noted that landscape design feature, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, also has healing functions. Flowering plants carry a wide range of different smells and aromas. Many of them have medicinal properties. This can be both the prevention of colds and a sedative effect. It’s not just flowers that smell. It is good if pine or juniper grows on the site or next to it. The smell of pine needles has a very beneficial effect on human health and mood. A competent combination of decorative, medicinal and aromatic plants will provide the garden with pleasant and invigorating scents, from early spring to late autumn. It makes sense to plant even small quantities of meadow and forest plants on the site. A handful of strawberries or tea with forest, peppermint hasn’t hurt anyone yet. From such a site, you can also dry the herbal collection for the whole winter. Clever housewives not only brew tea from it, but also use it for cosmetic purposes. If each person turns his little piece of land into a blooming garden, then our entire planet will be transformed.

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Professional Landscaping Design


The price for the services of a CaptainHandy best landscape designer, as a rule, is determined per hundred square meters and depends on various factors. These include: the basic state of the site, the need for preliminary geodetic research, the wishes of the customer, and even the reputation of the designer himself. But, before starting work in the garden, a project is done. Without it, it is difficult to imagine what and how the final result will look like. Landscape design, first of all, is needed in order to visualize the future landscape, convey it to the customer, discuss all the points with him, and make corrections, if any.

First, a sketch of the project is drawn;
Using computer programs, the project is visualized in 2D or 3D format;
A master plan is made. Here you can see beautiful photos of projects of houses with beautiful designs.

The project, in addition to pictures, diagrams and drawings, must necessarily contain explanatory notes, calculations, specifications, which detail all the information on each item of the project.