What are the Pros and Cons of an Asphalt Driveway?
Posted in: Architecture
On December 30, 2022

Asphalt is an excellent choice if you want to put in a new driveway at your home or business. For example, asphalt is perfect for not slipping, making it very safe to drive on when wet or icy outside.

In this piece, we will discuss the most important things you need to know about asphalt and its pros and cons for your new driveway.

Pros of Choosing an Asphalt Driveway

Let’s discuss the pros of choosing an asphalt driveway over other materials. 

1. Durability

Asphalt Driveway

source: pinterest.com

Asphalt driveways are highly durable and can last several years without repair. If your driveway is exposed to a lot of water or harsh environmental conditions, you should have it resealed every few years to make it last longer.

2. Low-maintenance 

Even though asphalt doesn’t need much maintenance, there are a few essential steps you need to take to make sure the driveway stays sealed and safe to use all year. 

These include keeping it free of oil stains, tire marks, anthills, plant growths, and other debris. This will help prevent damage caused by water seepage or chemical reactions with the materials used in the installation process.

3. Smooth Surface 

Asphalt Driveway

source: pinterest.com

Blacktop is also better than other materials because it has a smooth surface that is safe and comfortable to drive on and doesn’t make too much noise pollution. For example, this can help when loose rocks or other debris get stuck in tires or when the undercarriage of a car grinds against the ground during rain or snow storms.

4. Good temperature control

Another good thing about blacktop is that it keeps the surface underneath from getting too hot or cold in the summer and winter, respectively. Because of this, they are trendy in places where the temperature changes a lot from winter to summer and where snow, rain, sleet, and hail are common.

5. Long-lasting

Asphalt Driveway

source: pinterest.com

Asphalt driveways usually last between 10 and 20 years before they show signs of wear, like cracks, holes, and peeling. Let’s say you want to make your driveway last even longer. In this case, you can choose a system created specifically for high-traffic areas like commercial parking lots. 

It would help if you were careful not to leave large amounts of oil in the same place on the surface for a long time without cleaning it off thoroughly before applying more oil.

Why You Shouldn’t Choose an Asphalt Driveway

1. Styles and colors are few 

Asphalt is much more limited in style and color than other driveway materials like concrete because it only comes in black. It also loses its shine over time when it’s out in the sun, which can make them look less attractive. However, if you choose a colored border or add paint stripes to your asphalt surface, it will be easier to reduce this harmful effect caused by UV rays.

2. Not attractive to look at 

If you choose asphalt for your driveway, cracks and other imperfections will be easier to see because the topcoat isn’t as thick as it is with other materials. If you can’t stop looking at these flaws day after day, consider getting a concrete paver-style driveway instead.

3. Not suitable for steep driveways

Asphalt Driveway

source: pinterest.com

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If you live in an area where it often snows and piles up on driveways, you should use something other than asphalt because it wasn’t made to handle the weight of snow and ice in the winter. It can also get slippery when it rains, which makes driving dangerous or even impossible if you don’t always have control of your car.

4. It can cost a lot

Lastly, it’s essential to know that asphalt is one of the most expensive surface materials on the market. This can make it hard for some homeowners on a tight budget to use asphalt. But this doesn’t mean that asphalt driveways are always more expensive than other surfaces. Assess how asphalt driveways are installed, like replacing or resurfacing instead of new installation, and other factors will all affect how much you pay.


A driveway made of asphalt is a good choice for both homes and businesses. It’s robust, easy to keep up, and can last for years with the proper care. One of the most important things you can do when choosing a new material for your driveway is to think about the pros and cons of each one. 

Will a driveway made of asphalt work well for your US home? You are the only one who can make the final decision. You can do this by weighing all the good things about this surface material against all the wrong things.