Things To You Need To Consider Before Renovating A House
Posted in: Architecture,Home Improvement
On November 1, 2022

Renovating your house is challenging but it reaps great rewards. Not only do you get to design parts of your house exactly as you want them, renovations also add significant value to your property should you ever wish to sell in the future.

However, before you get to that point, there are many hurdles to cross. Renovations can be complex, disruptive and vulnerable to circumstances outside of your control. If you’re anxious about an upcoming renovation project and want to protect yourself against all eventualities, here are some tips that will make your renovation project a glowing success. 

Get your building survey done early on

Avoid any nasty surprises and get your building survey done in plenty of time so you can solve any issues before they become too big a problem. Such surveys can cost anything between £500 to £1,000 and highlight structural issues or problems like damp or roof damage. You might also need an asbestos report.

Create a schedule of works being completed

Renovating A House


It can feel stressful having so many people you don’t know tearing up your house, so avoid the chaos of overlapping jobs by keeping a strict schedule. Some things need to be completed before another trades professional can come in (e.g. the kitchen has to be installed before electricians can do their job) so make your schedule accordingly. 

A schedule will also give you peace of mind help you stay in control of the whole project. 

Invest in quality materials beforehand

Renovating A House


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Don’t rush buying materials just before a renovation project is about to start. Investigate suppliers, read reviews and make an informed decision that will save you money in the long run. Good quality materials like plasterboard sheets are durable expertly designed and won’t need to be replaced any time soon.

Leave smaller projects to one side

Renovating A House


It can be tempting to get everything done in one fell sweep, especially when there’s so much disruption already. However, consider whether you need to get rid of all property’s original features. Things like windows and ground floor bathrooms carry a lot of value for a property and, if it’s an old house you’re renovating, is likely to made of quality materials. 

Consider repairing what is already there rather than going straight for new models straight away.

Hire structural engineers to make your home as safe as possible

Renovating A House


If you are planning to remove load-bearing walls, cut into roof timbers or widen window or door openings, hire a structural engineer who can advise you on what is possible and safe. They can guide on you on the placement and type of steel beam you need to give your wall structural integritya. Expect to pay anything between £500-£1,000 for a small project.

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