10 Impressive Tinny Houses Around the World
Posted in: Architecture
On December 24, 2019

Getting home and making it look attractive is quite a task nowadays which is not everyone’s cup of tea. To make the house look beautiful and elegant it is not always necessary to go for a huge lavish house. Take a look at these impressive tiny houses around the world at The Architecture Designs.

1.  200 Square Foot House in Hawaii

200 Square Foot House in Hawaii 1

source: pinterest.com

Tiny houses are in demand right now and this Hawaiian Shoebox Dwelling designed by Jay Nelson is the perfect example of how incredible a tiny house can look. This house is something to invest in with the incredible living room at the bottom and a sweet bedroom upon climbing the stairs with sunlight and beauty of nature all around the place.

200 Square Foot House in Hawaii 2

source: pinterest.com

2.  Bunkie


source: newatlas.com

This cabin of around 104 sq. ft. will make you fall in love with it with the entire charming cottage vibes ideal for small stays. It consists of built-in fixtures which are a complete fold-out along with the beds and other amenities which can be easily adjusted according to day and night time. Bunkie, inspired by Canadian cabins is perfect for some me-time.


source: archello.com

3.  Custom Tiny Home by Heirloom

Custom Tiny Home by Heirloom 1

source: tinyheirloom.com

This custom home by Heirloom is not just tiny and beautiful but it gives you the utmost comfort as one can carry it anywhere you want. This home has everything you need in a perfect home and plans to introduce the automation system in the home. This home is ideal for people who love to travel and want to spend some quality time.

Custom Tiny Home by Heirloom 1

source: tinyhousetalk.com

4.  Hand Built Tiny Home

Hand Built Tiny Home

source: windrivertinyhomes.com

People try to simplify their life by building small homes in order to get rid of the expensive and luxurious outburst. This hand-built house made of wood and other essential is a perfect example of how one can just stay away from debt and focus on more important aspects of life.

Hand Built Tiny Home

source: moderntinyliving.com

5.  Hand Built Tiny Home by Alek Lisefski

Hand Built Tiny Home by Alek Lisefski 1

source: archilovers.com

Alek Lisefski, an American web designer, built a mini house for himself and his girlfriend on wheels to cherish the time with each other and stay away from other chaos. This tiny home features plenty of windows that reflect and bridges the outer beauty with the inside piece adding mobility and flexibility to the house.

Hand Built Tiny Home by Alek Lisefski 2

source: myfancyhouse.com

6.  Nomad Micro Home

Nomad Micro Home 1

source: c2hh.com

This tiny cube by Nomad is famous for its compact buildup with a clean assembly of the fixtures and sustainable and affordable features. This tiny cube accommodates the living room, sleeping area, bathroom, and other amenities brilliantly and seamlessly. Nomad’s micro home is built by a 3D steel frame and flexible materials for shipping it worldwide easily and making the assembly of parts simple.

Nomad Micro Home 2

source: amazon.com

7.  Salsa Box Tiny Home

Salsa Box Tiny Home 1

source: newatlas.com

Salsa box tiny home is a small home with enough space to accommodate the large bed and other storages. It is designed in a way to make it more durable and affordable having maximum space for routine activities. This is the simple structure balancing the weight and space while making it compatible with all-weather and can be modified according to the area.

Salsa Box Tiny Home 2

source: newatlas.com

8.  Shipping Container Home

Shipping Container Home 1

source: today.com

In today’s time while thinking about dwelling one needs to think of something unique that is beyond all the stones, bricks and concrete. These prefabricated shipping container homes are ideal for overcoming challenges of sanitation and enough area for living. These houses are easy to assemble and dismantle and durable with modification options and the best part is all the modern connections are possible with fixings such as AC, heater, etc.

Shipping Container Home 2

source: today.com

9.  Tiny Home by viVood

Tiny Home by viVood 1

source: inhabitat.com

The prefabricated tiny home by Vivood features easy-to-fit modules that are installed with all the solar and plumbing connections well in advance. The beautiful tiny home features great color combinations and constructed from sustainably sourced wood with all the facilities provided such as living space, bedroom, etc. in enough but comfy space.

Tiny Home by viVood 2

source: humble-homes.com

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10.  Vincent Kartheiser’s Tiny Home

Vincent Kartheiser’s Tiny Home 1

source: smallhousebliss.com

Want to step inside the villa of the Mad Man starrer Vincent Kartheiser? Here is his tiny mansion with ultra-comfortable and space-saving surprises with bed hidden in the closet, fire pit hidden under the outside coffee table, and sliders opening into different compartments. This home is something you won’t want to miss with its great 54 sq. meter wonderland.   

Vincent Kartheiser’s Tiny Home 2

source: denahrumahminimalis-new.blogspot.com

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