Why Should We Use Betumex Instead of Epoxy?
Posted in: Architecture
On February 23, 2021

Today Betumex is considered to have the latest method by which we can improve the concrete, add beauty to our buildings, lessen the danger of different chemicals, cancer, and allergies, and make the cleaning process faster and more accurate. 

In industrial and residential buildings, the ground cover is playing a crucial role for many reasons. The ground cover can make the space beautiful. Also, it serves as coverage and not the penetration of water and contaminants. It is vulnerable to the impact and accumulation process of the contamination in the surface’s pores. However, it isn’t easy to clean it along with different other applications.

To cover and improve the surface, we can use stone, ceramic, epoxy, and hardened concrete, and among all these, epoxy has been known to have some adverse effects. The use of the new technology can be a good idea due to its beauty and the long-lasting nature, and the ability to reduce the other materials’ harmful effects. 

The Betumex is safe and can give a fantastic look and glam to the floor.

Epoxy resin has been used in industries for many years. The epoxy resin and the hardeners are complex compound chemicals capable of causing negative impact if they are not appropriately handled. When the epoxy resin gets in contact with the skin, it can cause irritation, toxic eczema, and allergies.

The effects of the epoxy are significantly less in the parking lots for ordinary people. Still, it can hurt the people responsible for making the floor with the epoxy.

The new technology of the Betumex is the latest method applied to the raw concrete and has eliminated many shortcomings. When it comes to tower lobbies, commercial spaces, industry and manufacturing, crowded and busy places, health centers, and even the warehouses, betumex is way more applicable.

Properties Added by the Betumex

The surface of the concrete is very rough and tough but at the same time very simple. With the help of technology, the uneven surfaces are bound to become shiny and beautiful. Some floors have been colored or have traffic markings to guide the people and the drivers. On the surface of the betumex also, you can add colors and marks. To be noted that the marks and colors on the surface of Betumex have a longer life span. The process of painting on the surface to beautify and mark is possible. This method is easy and long-lasting, unlike ordinary painting, and it does not get easily washed away.

Advantages of The Betumex Over Other Floorings Present in The Market

It has a lot of significant advantages such as:

  • It has a longer life span comparably, and it is due to the resistance to the abrasion and the impact.
  • For the big halls, the beauty is outstanding.
  • Based on the choice, it can be applied matte or even glossy.
  • It is effortless to clean.
  • It does not need a mortar substructure to run.
  • It can be easily repaired if somehow there is any problem and there is no need to replace it.
  • It is way more economical than other materials due to the long-lasting nature.
  • It can be an excellent choice for the floorings and even the ceramic, stone, along with the laminate option.

Disadvantages of the Betumex Technology

The rainwater and the snow, which is on the surface that has used Betumex can be slippery surfaces. It is not recommended for outside surfaces. Though even epoxy is not a good choice as it also has a slippery surface, then in this case for the outside areas some measures should be taken to avoid the surface from being slippery. 

The Important Applications of the Betumex Technology

For the industrial halls, this surface is very appropriate as it impacts the resistance, the anti-wear and tear, ease in cleaning, and the durability nature that it has.

It can even be used in the parking lots, and the great advantage is that it does not leave traces of the wheels from the cars on it. In some parking lots, we can even see epoxy being used.

In the new technology of the Betumex, the common problems in the other floorings and the epoxy do not occur. Some of the issues are the effects of the car’s tires, difficulty washing the surfaces ,and wear and tear.

In the commercial buildings along with the sports clubs, the application of the Betumex has been implemented as well. 

Betumex Technology Being Used in The Hospitals and Medical Centers

By the outbreak of the COVID 19, there is more attention on public health. The hospitals’ surfaces have the highest chance of containing the virus, and repetitive and permanent cleaning is impossible and costly. Betumex can utilize the nanosilver as well, and as a result the tests have reported that 99.999% of the microbial contaminants are eliminated within 24 hours from the surface of the betumex. Hence, it is considered a great idea to use the technology of Betumex in medical centers and hospitals. It should be added that the Betumex is deemed to be the most attractive surface coating for hospitals.

Reason Why Should We Use Betumex Instead of Epoxy

As stated earlier, Betumex has proved to be reasonable compared to epoxy. Epoxy has been reported being to be toxic and, in some cases, even harmful for health. The Betumex, on the other hand, is even being used in the most critical place, such as hospitals and medical centers.

Epoxy tends even to cause irritations and allergies if it touches the skin for those directly in touch during the process, but post process of application on the surface has no or less effects. 

Betumex is also considered to be cost-effective, and it has a longer life span. It is also impervious to oil, water, acid, and also it is non-flammable.

In general, we can consider these items as the disadvantages of the epoxy:

  • It is very slippery when it is wet.
  • It has a costly maintenance
  • It has a very complicated removal procedure.
  • It can make the floor look discolored, and the coating of the base looks off.
  • It takes much time to harden entirely.

This is why betumex is being used more widely compared to epoxy, and it has gained a lot of attention for its beauty, the ease of the process of cleaning, does not have any health risks and hazards. 

So the next time you decide to think about getting the ground of the building, lobbies, manufacturing and industrial areas along with the commercial spaces or the parking changed, think about the positive as well as the negative aspects of the Betumex along with the epoxy and then make a wise decision. Not saying epoxy is completely bad or unsafe, but compared to Betumex, it is not up to the level that it should be. Take more information at The Architecture Designs.

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