12 Apartment Balcony Garden Decorating Ideas and Designs
Posted in: Gardening
On April 14, 2019

Those who have balcony they don’t have right ideas to decorate them. If you want you make a small or larger space of balcony so beautiful. In this article we study about Apartment Balcony Garden Decorating Ideas and Design we select some beautiful ideas for you. Spring is coming and now you decorate your home balcony according to your taste.

Instead of tile, you can lay artificial green carpet or use rug on a simple floor. You can also use wooden tile to give a nice look to your balcony with some pots and wooden accents.

apartment balcony garden decorating ideas


If you have table chair in balcony or you need some space than you can hang your flower box up or either you can make a shelf and kept these flowers box on it.

apartment balcony garden decorating ideas

You can also use decorative pots on the floor of the balcony. Or you have another choice to hang the basket and grow flowers and herbs in it. You can also grow tomato in hanging basket.

apartment balcony garden decorating ideas

You can have a table and chair in your balcony with aromatic flowers so that you can enjoy fresh air while sitting there in the warm and favorable days and can drink coffee and tea in the morning.

apartment balcony garden decorating ideas

For support or climbing plants you can use trellis. To do this you can also use the wooden slats and steel rod.

apartment balcony garden decorating ideas

You can make different size of shelf and put different size of pots on it . it looks amazing you also make it in balcony’s corner.

apartment balcony garden decorating ideas

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You can also decorate your balcony with different colors. You can put only one color of flower pot in one corner. Through which you have four different corners with four different colors.

apartment balcony garden decorating ideas

You can use night scented flowers to make your balcony aromatic such as nicotinia, jasmine too for fragrance.

apartment balcony garden decorating ideas

If your balcony is big then you can grow vegetable plant in it. Or make a small vegetable garden in your apartment balcony.

apartment balcony garden decorating ideas

To make a garden in balcony you have choice to divide some section one section is of vegetable, one for flowers, and one for other plants.

apartment balcony garden decorating ideas

In order to give the appearance of a beautiful garden to the balcony, we can put table and chair of green color which is same as green grass carpet.

apartment balcony garden decorating ideas

If we keep a wooden hammock with plants in the balcony then it will give a perfect gardening fiddle.

apartment balcony garden decorating ideas