What Is the Best Way to Save Half of the Commission Rate While Listing?
Posted in: Commercial,Residential
On May 7, 2021

For many people who completed their listing tasks through MLS portals, hundreds of websites provide MLS services throughout the world.

You might be wondering why these listing services are getting in common with time, and among all these services, what are the ideal methods to list your property in a big state like Kentucky?

Well, don’t make assumptions in vain here is the guide. In this article, we are going to discuss the ideal way to list your property in Kentucky. Big state big problems of recording if you are not a high-tech expert in technology and listing, then it’s not your cup of tea better to hire any flat fee MLS realtor or agent.


source: louisville-flat-fee-mls.com

For this, you can check online MLS websites such as Houzeo that are providing flat fee MLS Kentucky services and cover all main vital areas. It includes all areas such as Northern Kentucky Assoc of Realtors, Lexington Bluegrass Association of Realtors, Greater Louisville AOR, Heart of Kentucky AOR, Greater Owensboro Realtor Association, Southern KY Association of Realtors, and Upper Cumberland Association of Realtors MLS.

If you are not aware of flat fee MLS services, it’s witless first to discuss other things. Let me give you a quick review of this.

Flat Fee MLS services


source: amazonaws.com

This term of listing often refers to committing to the la carte service agreement with the agent. That means the owner will sign the deal with the agent in which they decide the price of the agent services and time that he will dedicate to the owner’s listing. Most probably, the agents’ fees lie between average numbers. So in this way, the owner can save more and get benefited from the agents’ opinions.

Listing is hard for beginners, no doubt. Still, it’s unacceptable to give such a hefty amount of money to the real estate agent.

Even though you can also list your property easily for getting minor suggestions and listing your property on MLS portals, it’s better to hire a Flat fee MLS real estate agent.

What type of services flat fee MLS agents are providing?

After reading the detail of Flat fee MLS services, you might be questioning in your mind that what are the services that flat fee MLS agent will provide during the process of listing, so let’s discuss them too;


source: transactly.com

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In general, the flat fee MLS agent or flat fee MLS companies will provide your services of listing your property at your local MLS portal and different big MLS websites.

But if you will upgrade your committed agreement with the updating in Agent fees, then he will provide you following services that are mentioned above;

  • Market and promote your listing at social media websites
  • Help in your house maintenance
  • Provide Professional photography
  • Suggest you pricing rates.
  • Support while negotiation


Isn’t it a great package? You get all helping suggestions where the process goes harder you will most probably charge fees up to 1% in hiring this package, but in some cases, these are even less. I hope I have discussed all the necessary points to guide your ideal way to list your property.


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