Fast-growing vegetables in pots 
Posted in: Gardening
On August 28, 2020

Unlike the recent past when Growing vegetables and herbs in pots for vegetables seemed a stumbling block and an effort in futility; the experience in recent times is very easy and amazing. With this method vegetables grow and mature so fast for harvesting within the first month or two for the longest. There are a plethora of vegetables that have shown the ability to grow fast in pots making agriculture appealing to many people. The following are examples that suffice our proposition as stated above.




Among the quickest growing vegetables that are leafy, Lettuce stands out to take the lead. It can be grown directly from seeds and the results will be amazing. It takes about 40-45 days for lettuce to become fully mature. But you can also regrow store-bought lettuce. Just cut the end of lettuce about 2 inches and plant that piece in soil. In a week, leaves will appear. Lettuce can be harvested 2-3 times per year making it immensely profitable to the growers.




 Spinach is a unique type of vegetable that can withstand growing both in a shade and in sun. This makes it comfortable to the grower as it does not need much care like other types of vegetables whose care is mindboggling. It does well in the organic matter in a quality mixing pot that is 6-8 deep. Its germination period is 4-5 days. And in 30-50 days spinach will ready to harvest, but you can cut and use spinach before they get mature.




 You can grow smaller mushrooms in a day or two. But if you wanted to grow bigger mushrooms (size of your plate) it can take up to 6 days. Which is pretty crazy too. Grow mushroom in a slightly bigger container and add an extra flavor to all of your favorite dishes in no time.




Growing tomatoes in pots and containers are very easy and satisfying to watch. You can harvest your first tomatoes in 40-50 days after planting the tomato plant. Use a good potting mix in the pot for tomatoes. Make your trellis or buy from the market to support the plant as it grows in length.

 Cherry Tomatoes

cherry Tomatoes


Cherry tomatoes are very easy to grow in pots like normal tomatoes. They take a little longer than normal to give fruits. The growth time of cherry tomatoes in 60-65 days. Grow cherry tomatoes from seedling, not seeds. Growing from a seedling is an easy and fast way to grow these bite-size tomatoes.




Select a pot that is 12 inches deep. Put some potting soil in the pot and grow beets. After 45-60 days, they will fully ready to harvest. Keep watering the beet. Do not let the soil dry or the roots will turn stunted. Beets are very easy to grow because they don’t have any serious kind of disease.




If you wanted to grow longer carrots, choose deeper pots and containers to plant carrots. Carrots are grown directly from seeds. The growth time is a little longer (70-80 days). But if you don’t want to wait that long, you can cut and eat their leaves. Carrots leaves are edible and are healthy.

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 Cucumbers growth time is about 55-65 days. Harvest cucumbers when they are still immature or the seeds of fully ripe cucumber get hard and they are not edible. Plus fully mature cucumbers can suppress the growth of new flowers. If you want more cucumber, harvest more cucumber.




Peppers can also be grown in pots. Their harvest action pepper fruit in 60-90 days after plantation. You can grow peppers from seeds or seedling. Obviously, from seedling, they will give the fruit a little earlier. If you wanted to grow hot pepper, it can take up to 150 days. But both sweet and hot peppers are great to grow in pots with potting soil.




There are two seasons of growing radish. If you are growing spring radish, they can take 20-30 days to mature. Winter radish can take a little longer than spring radish. The growth time of winter radish is 50-60 days. Both are very easy and fun to grow in pots. Grow them directly from seeds.

Spring Onion

Spring Onion


Spring onion only takes 6-8 weeks to grow fully. This vegetable is perfect for small containers and pots. If you want a continuous supply of spring onion, plant them every 2-3 weeks. This kind of onion don’t of any bulb at the end. They grow directly from seeds.




Kale is a super tough plant. They are often called bulletproof plants. Because they can survive any kind of harsh conditions. If you are new in kitchen gardening, you should start with kale. You can grow kale with seeds and seedlings. From seeds, they are ready to harvest in 55-60 days, And seedling ready in 20-30 days.




 Potato bags are a very big kind of pot. They require constant watering them every day, because dry soil can cause a lower yield. You can grow store-bought potatoes. Potatoes are ready when they have a little eyes, And potatoes take 70-129 days to grow up.




This type of vegetable is easy to grow especially when one chooses a large bulb of garlic before breaking it into cloves and selecting the bigger cloves to plant them in the pot with potting soil. 2 inches deep and 6 inches apart is best to plant garlic. Garlic takes a long time to make the bulb from the clove. But you can cut the leaves of garlic and use them in your dishes the whole time.




It exists in different kinds that can grow very well in pots and containers. But yellow squash is the best of all kinds. They are easy to grow and took only 60-65 days to harvest. They act like cucumber when start to give fruits. Harvest more squash to get more. If they don’t harvest in time they can reduce the production of new flowers.


Growing vegetables in pots for vegetables can be a very nasty experience when one lacks in-depth understanding and know-how about different types of vegetables. However, this information will be an eye-opener and a vital guide to anybody contemplating practicing agriculture.

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