How Can Clients Ruin Their Own Construction Projects?
Posted in: Architecture
On October 25, 2023

Construction is complicated work. Each party involved relies on the other to make sure everything is achieved on time and all processes go smoothly and in an orderly fashion. Project managers, architects, civil engineers, contractors, laborers, and other professionals work together to achieve the goals.

This work requires coordinated efforts. The sum of all these parts equals a successful outcome with an end product everyone adores. But to create this end product, all efforts need to be coordinated properly, and each party involved has the capacity to make it either successful or problematic. Either way, dispute avoidance is necessary.

Are clients any good in terms of construction projects?

construction projects


First things first, without clients and initiators, there would be no projects at all. It is thanks to them that construction companies get work to do and money to earn. Employees are able to work as well and even work on their skills. The construction industry is quite broad. A lack of clientele would cause business and employment issues.

Clients usually have a good knowledge of all the aspects of work. However, there are some who do not know much and rely on construction companies for consulting. Well-informed clients however know about the design of the building they want to have and of the architects too. 

There is one thing for sure. Those who start the project take a lot of risks. Contractors have to take risks along with project owners to make sure nothing goes wrong.

How can clients and project managers overturn construction projects?

Project advisory professionals today would like to explain in this regard that inadvertently and advertently, clients can overturn projects due to the following reasons:

Hiring contractors and companies at low prices

construction projects


Clients should avoid hiring contractors and other associated professions, and companies, at low prices. Low prices do not guarantee top-notch work (meaning cost-cutting doesn’t work all the time). 

Imagine a contractor a client found at a bargain price brought tiles, steel, and other materials which after some time started degrading. What’s worse is that the workers he used were also at bargain prices. That causes a home to go down the drain.

In terms of buildings, it can get worse. The building won’t be structurally sound especially when it starts developing cracks and faults. In short, the less money invested in this matter results in poor quality results.

Unable to secure funding for projects

Large-scale projects require a lot of funding. Either a lucrative insurance policy or a treasury bond, having a value in millions. Constructing a building is no joke, numerous guarantees need to be given and passed before a building plan is approved.

Moreover, investor confidence at the top levels is a must for this one. If clients themselves have the money then it is well and good. If they have problems looking for and securing investors, then that can be a problem. 

Lack of financial resources

construction projects


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Dispute avoidance experts reveal that in many cases they have helped solve, lack of financial resources on the client’s end was a dispute that at times found no resolution. Clients at times forget that they need to bring in money for the project. They often give outdated or false guarantees, and at times even take a loan for it.

Repayment of loans from their end then puts both contractors and construction companies in a trap. Some clients even declared bankruptcy and tried to escape the wrath of the law, courts, and construction companies plus other associated parties.

Not being involved in the project

construction projects


Another problem clients have is not being involved directly in the project. They often delegate this key responsibility to others when it’s not a smart thing to do. What happens because of this is that the project goes in the wrong direction without proper oversight.

This is where most projects end up going down the drain. Without proper oversight, without the right man looking at the progress, and without any one guiding the whole works, the project can end up being a disaster. 

If clients delegate responsibility then it should be delegated to someone they can really trust. At times, they put blind fatih in a certain individual who not only givers them false reports but also causes work to get extended, schedule acceleration, misplacement of materials, equipment and the like.

Clients need to be involved in each aspect of construction projects. Otherwise, their whole project will end up in the casket.

Unrealistic expectations

No client should ever hold any kind of unrealistic expectations. That’s right, they really should not hold any unrealistic expectations regarding any construction project. Otherwise, they will be ruing on missed opportunities and mistakes, and will also be kicking themselves for slight mistakes going haywire. No one should ever hold unrealistic expectations in construction.

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