How to Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal in 3 Steps
Posted in: Home Improvement
On August 12, 2022

Your home’s curb appeal is a big deal when it comes to selling it. According to a study by the University of Texas, curb appeal can increase a home’s asking price by up to 7 percent. A home buyer will be more inclined to bid higher if a house has an attractive exterior.

Besides a higher asking price, curb appeal determines how fast your home sells. If your home has an attractive exterior, it will attract more buyers than a neglected one. Also, a potential homebuyer will be more inclined to check out your home’s interior if the exterior catches their eye. So, it is crucial to focus on improving your house’s curb appeal before you list it for sale. 

3 Steps for Improving Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Refresh Landscaping

Improve Your Homes Curb Appeal


Your garden is one of the places potential buyers will see as they walk past your house. So, the first step towards improving your home’s curb appeal is sprucing up your front yard

There are a lot of things you can do to improve your outdoor space ahead of listing your home on the market. So make a to-do list that covers every part of your garden. Some of the items your list should include are: pruning overgrown bushes, weeding, vacuuming leaves and mulching, which could all be done by landscaping in Peoria, AZ.

Repaint the House

Improve Your Homes Curb Appeal


Once done with landscaping, it is time to repaint your home. If your exterior looks pale and beat due to old paint, it can be relatively challenging to get the attention of potential buyers. For that reason, it is essential to refresh your paint job with a new coat of paint. 

An adequately painted home gives the impression that it is well maintained. Additionally, it provides a fresh and clean appearance that highlights the home’s best features. Most buyers can even compromise on other flaws if the walls, trims and garden fence look in tip-top condition. 

Get Rid of Junk

Improve Your Homes Curb Appeal


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Besides repainting every paintable surface of your home, getting rid of junk from your backyard is essential. Most people finish decluttering the interior and completely forget about the exterior. Unfortunately, a junky lawn can neutralise all your efforts to improve the home’s curb appeal.

Most of us keep old vehicles, damaged lawn furniture and empty or broken planters, among other junk, at the back of our homes. You must get rid of all these items when trying to improve your home’s curb appeal. So, recycle the recyclable items and toss ones that are beyond repair. 

If you don’t have enough time or resources for recycling, consider finding an out-of-sight place to keep these future projects. You can also donate some of them to charity if you are feeling generous. Whatever option you choose, you are sure to enjoy the benefits of decluttering your home before you list it on the market. 

Final Thoughts

Improve Your Homes Curb Appeal


Curb appeal is perhaps the most important tool for home sellers. Most homebuyers would decide whether to buy your house or not as soon as they set their eyes on its exterior. So, consider these tips, among many others, to enhance your home’s curb appeal before listing it on sale.

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