Decorative Ideas for Landscape Gravel Garden Design
Posted in: Gardening,Home Decor,Home Improvement
On January 3, 2020

If you think that garden designing is all about growing plants and cultivating them then there is something more you need to know. Landscapes with stones, gravels, and small rocks can make this place absolutely stunning and will also help in providing a definitive frame and structure to your garden and adds to the serenity and beauty of the place. 

gravel gardens


gravel gardens


If you are blessed with a huge garden space then there are plenty of things you can do to make the place look great by giving modern features to it. Give a modern look to the garden by adopting pea granite design which is ideal for the larger garden. The shiny texture of the pea granite gives the elegant and luxurious look to the garden and also helps in giving structure to it.

gravel gardens


gravel gardens


When going for the landscaping sand and gravel garden, you have the full liberty to get creative as much as you can. By combining multiple colored graves and stones you can give any kind of structure you want to the place. Also among the garden, you can choose to have a little piece of art of your own made up of gravel and pebbles.

gravel gardens


gravel gardens


There is always a place for novelty and creativity when combining more than one thing to your garden. Why go with only granite and stones when you can blend the beauty of marbles with it? Give the pathway a more beautiful look by adding the marbles to the granite pathways to make the garden look more subtle and also to give the illusion of steps.

gravel gardens


gravel gardens


Give the garden a grand look by adding the gravel to it as the gravel can be molded into any shape and size and can take some beautiful curves. A clean and subtle garden is what one expects and gravel and wood combination can blend with the surroundings and will make the place look more beautiful. Also if there is more space available you can have your own little bench along with a small fountain.

gravel gardens


gravel gardens


Creating a landscape in the garden with the help of granite is an easier task and can help in adding modern features to the garden. Granite can be easily used to link spaces and all kinds of materials because it can also be molded into any color and textures. With the green garden contrast the gravel, tiles, and limestone that connects the garden to the doorway.

gravel gardens


gravel gardens


Rock garden with different shaped gravel and multiple species of plants is enough to give a garden feel. But if you want to add more luxury to the place, add flat slabs walkway instead of using the concrete so that the natural feel of the garden remains intact. The combination of wood planks and flat slabs is perfect for making the garden full of nature and love.

gravel gardens


gravel gardens


Creating blocks with the use of granites and marbles between the different types of plants and herbs can make the garden more polished and clean. Also, the partition can be done through paving blocks and other blocks. Other than this, add different types and colors of lights to make the garden look dreamy at night and the gravels shine. When going for the walking area, add more texture to the place with crushed gravel and make the contrast more clean and polished.

gravel gardens


gravel gardens


Add something more unique to the garden and make the place worth spending time in. Add a small Japanese Zen rock garden at the corner of it as this reflects the beauty of nature and melts the heart. This type of garden is like small heaven with a green background and the rocks to the sides.

gravel gardens


gravel gardens


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gravel gardens


It is not fair that your beautiful garden only consists of plants and rocks. Enhance the visual aspects of the garden by adding a small garden pond and add some smooth stones and gravels to give a more natural feel. These look great at the banks of the small pond backed by beautiful plants and this will make it feel like a small forest in your house at The Architecture Designs.

gravel gardens


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