How Homeowners Can Get a Better ROI on Their Property Investment
Posted in: Commercial,Residential
On November 19, 2021

Owning a house is the ultimate dream of a lot of Americans. And the pandemic allowed many of them to fulfill this dream after the US Federal Reserve lowered interest rates to boost the economy. While many people attained their dream of buying a house, others took advantage of the huge demand in the housing market to sell their homes at a higher value.

But to increase the resale value of a home, you should repair and enhance it to make it appealing to the eyes of potential buyers. You should also know how to connect with potential buyers if you want to sell a house online.

Using an app that manages the sales process is a good way to do this since it reduces the stress of offering the property in the market. The app should also have an option to assist you in the process, including property viewings and contract preparations.

But before you offer the property in the market, you should check the following tips to increase its resale value so you’ll have a good return on your investment.

Enhance the Front Lawn

Increasing Home Resale Value


The first thing that potential buyers see in the property is the front lawn. If the front lawn is not well-maintained, it will turn off the buyer and decrease the home’s value. This is particularly true if the potential buyer visits after winter when the lawn has yet to regain its full glory after being buried in snow during the cold season.

So you need to enhance the curb appeal of the home by taking care of the lawn. You should also enhance it by making maintaining the grass and trimming the trees around the home. Hiring a landscaping company to work on the lawn is also a good idea to ensure the front look contributes to the higher resale value of the home.

Paint the Exterior

Increasing Home Resale Value


If it has been years since you painted the house’s exterior, it will be a good idea to give it a fresh coat of paint. While you should paint the whole exterior, you should highlight the front door since it’s the house’s focal point. And you should make sure to use an appealing color to increase the resale value of your home.

Painting the exterior will take a considerable investment on your part. But the return on this investment will also be significant since it allows you to sell your home at a higher price. You should also use acrylic latex for the pain since it is durable and can repel dirt and grease.

Paint the Interior

Increasing Home Resale Value


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If you paint the house’s exterior, then you should also paint the interior of the house. Painting the interior will give the home a better appearance, especially if the old paint already has a lot of scratches. Similar to the exterior, you’ll have to make a considerable investment when you paint the house’s interior.

To get the best results, you should use light neutral colors since theyare pleasingto the eye. Aside from the walls, you should paint the trim around the windows and doors. You should make sure the colors are consistent and help each other stand out to increase their appeal to potential buyers.

Deep Clean the House

Increasing Home Resale Value


Deep cleaning the home is another thing that you should do to increase its resale value. The pandemic highlighted the importance of cleaning and sanitizing homes. So, it’s a good idea to hire professionals to handle the work of deep cleaning the home.

Deep cleaning the house means cleaning and washing the light fixtures, blinds, cabinet fronts, ceiling fan blades, and doors. It will also require vacuuming the carpet, scrubbing of shower and tub tiles, and wiping window sills and moldings. It will also require decluttering the home, which allows you to dispose of items you do not need anymore.

Install New Lighting Fixtures

Increasing Home Resale Value


Installing new lighting fixtures is a good idea if you want to increase the home’s resale value. If the house has a lot of standard incandescent bulbs, you should consider replacing them with light-emitting diodes (LEDs).LEDs are energy efficient, which means your utility costs will decrease since these types of light use less energy compared to a standard incandescent bulb.

LEDs also last longer than incandescent bulbs since they have heat sinks that absorb the heatthey produce. Due to this, they have a lower tendency to overheat, which helps them to last longer.

Increasing the resale value of a house gives homeowners a better return on their investment when they buy the property.

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