Renovating Your Kitchen? Questions You Need to Find Answers First
Posted in: Kitchen
On November 25, 2019

The kitchen is usually the busiest room in any home, so deciding whether or not to renovate isn’t a decision to take lightly. Kitchen remodels usually take longer than planned, which creates issues every day until the project is completed. Along with kitchen remodels disrupting life, as usual, they also can be expensive.

Before you decide to take on a Kitchen Renovation, there are a few questions you should ask your contractor and your family.

What is Our Budget?

renovating your kitchen - budget


Renovating a kitchen is expensive. The price tag includes countertops, cabinets, flooring, fixtures, and appliances. And, it also includes the labor costs for demolition and installation, painting, carpentry, as well as plumbing and electrical work. If you undertake a complete remodel, you could spend $10,000 or more. If you use high-end finishes and appliances, the costs can increase even more. Whatever the estimate is for the work, families can usually expect to pay more. There are often issues that require more labor, like moving plumbing or wiring to meet building codes.

Why Do We Renovate the Kitchen?

renovating your kitchen


Before committing to a renovation, you should have a reasonable answer to this question. Your renovation might be to increase the value of your home. It might also be that you want an attractive and updated kitchen. You also might want to renovate your kitchen so it flows better with the rest of your home’s layout. You must have a reason that you can believe in because the odds are good that you will find yourself complaining about the renovation. The experience of kitchen renovation is stressful and uncomfortable, so you will need to remind yourself of your rationale for undertaking the project.

What Work Can We Do Ourselves?

renovating your kitchen


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If you are renovating to increase the value of your home, then it is wise to cut corners wherever possible. This means that you might have to do some of the work yourself. To save money on labor, you might decide to paint your kitchen yourself. You might even decide to paint your cabinets to save on carpentry work. If you know how to lay a tile floor, then you might be able to use high-end tile because you will provide free labor.

However, if you have never painted a kitchen or you do not know how to work a tile saw, then it might be worth it to hire a contractor. You won’t add to the value of your home if the work you do is messy and poorly finished.

Can We Survive the Project?

renovating your kitchen


Kitchen renovations can take weeks and sometimes more time to complete. The process is loud and strangers will be in and out of your home on a daily basis. You will have to figure out where to cook and eat your meals. If you have young children, having power tools and unfinished floors and walls might not be safe. Kitchen remodels are not always viable at every stage of every homeowner’s life. You might have to pick a better time.

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