Rewiring Your House without Removing Drywall
Posted in: Home Improvement
On September 15, 2020

Yes, It’s possible! So if you have bought a new house or are planning to, and the previous owners say they wired up the place themselves (without using the aid of professionals), then you need to check if the wiring is adequate and appropriate enough to carry electricity without hassles. This part is very important as later on, it may result in short circuits, electrical shocks and eventually, a fire may result due to overload of current and burn the whole place down. If you discover that light sparks l from any sockets, it’s about time to think about getting your house rewired.

Rewiring can be troublesome, what with removing the drywall in order to get to the wiring replaced. It’s easy to remove and install it back again but it’s messy too. Not to mention that it’ll be time-consuming as well as an extra expenditure for you to brood on. So here are some tips to help understand you on how to rewire your house without removing the drywall. However, if all this is too much and you have a bit of money to spare, you can get help from a professional, for that you can try Electricians in St. Louis MO.

Turn Off Electricity 

Rewiring Your House without Removing Drywall


First and foremost, before you even begin to work with wires, make sure all electrical outlets are switched off to avoid getting electrocuted. It will be wise to turn off the main power of the house just to be on the safe side.

Plan & Gather Info 

If you can get your hands on the blueprint of the house where it shows all the wiring, it’ll be easier to know where they are located and rewire. Usually, the attic is a good place from where you can rewire the entire house from above, besides you will have a good space area to work on and you do not need to rip off the walls to replace the old wire with new ones. Of course, you will need some help for this to be a success. Someone has to be downstairs to catch the wire through the crawl space and connect it to the socket.

The next step for you is g to figure out which rooms require rewiring. And accordingly, you can go step by step, and rewire one by one and check to see if they work. Do not rewire the entire house at once then turn on the switches, because if some of the outlets do not work then you’ll have to begin all over again. Some wires may be harder to reach or the crawl space may be too narrow for the wire to get through so in that case if affordable you may have to remove some drywall to get your work done (this h you can easily patch up later).

The third step is to measure the length of the wire needed and cut it accordingly beforehand. If it is for a narrow space in the walls then you can save time by measuring and cutting it on the spot.

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Pack Essentials 

Rewiring Your House without Removing Drywall


Since the electricity will be down, the attic would most likely be dark even if you are working during the day time. So make sure to pack a torchlight with extra batteries, water for your hydration, measured wires, cables, wire staples (to staple old wires to the wall), and masking tape to note down the wires connected to the particular room and socket. There are a number of other things you may need that you can browse through to find out the necessary items and bring them with you to the attic.

Implement your Plan 

First, you need to get those old wires all stapled up and then start feeding the new ones down through the space towards the open sockets. If they have been measured correctly, they’ll reach the opening in the walls as per plan.

After the wires are in place you can put on masking tape suggesting where each one belongs so in future, it’ll be easier for you to rewire them when needed.


Rewiring Your House without Removing Drywall


You can use a cable box or a junction box to organize your wires. It’ll look neat and you won’t have a problem untangling them and finding out which one belongs where. Also, if you need to add in any extra electrical outlets in the future, you can easily connect it through the box and expand your use of appliances.

If you are unsure about the wiring after ripping out the drywall, don’t take any chances. You can always patch it up again, like new. Safety comes first

Loose old wiring can be as sharp as a knife and you can easily scrape your hands while working with it. So, you need to be cautious while handling the wire. Put on electrical gloves to avoid scrapes and scratches.

If you’re still in doubt about how to proceed while working with electrical wire, you can always call an electrician to take a look and if necessary to help you out. Better to be safe than sorry.

Rewiring a house takes time and concentration. You need to be very careful with all being connected properly otherwise you’ll end up with a burnt house or someone getting electrocuted.

If you think you can install the wires without removing your drywall, then do it. However, if you think you need to tear it down a little or all of it, then that is what you need to do. Drywall can be patched up and replaced easily and quickly. Therefore, it is not encouraged that you compromise the safety of yourself and others just for drywall. However, you can always seek the help of a professional or a friend who may have extensive knowledge of house-wiring and will be able to lend you a hand.

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