Outstanding Round Window Design for Modern House
Posted in: Home Decor,Home Improvement
On May 18, 2020

Windows are being considered as one of the major parts of any house’s infrastructure, especially for proper ventilation. We all are pretty much familiar with rectangular and square windows for all the houses which we normally see. But have you ever heard of round window design? if you have heard about some round windows and always dreamt of having one for your house then this content is the perfect destination for you. The Architecture Designs projects have come up with some super alluring ideas related to modern round window designs. Take some inspirations from the design and inculcate them into your dream house.

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source: pinterest.com

round window

source: pinterest.com

The first idea of a gorgeous round window design is a beautiful circular window with some diameter crossing themselves. Do you have a closed balcony or even a small living room can have this kind of large spacious window for their interior? Place a nice wooden high table with long-legged chairs, it is always preferred to have a glass and wooden table so that it can complement the round window perfectly. And to complete the entire décor include two side rectangular sofas of classic colors such as white and grey. If on the one side there is a circular window then in both the adjacent sides you can instruct your architecture to go for square or rectangular windows as well.

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source: freshome.com

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source: hgtvhome.sndimg.com

The next idea about which we are going to talk is way gorgeous to handle. There is a simple rule for any round window kind of thing and that it, every round window should be huge and made of glass so that you can look through the nature with the help of that gorgeous window. So this idea has a huge window which has a cut making the upper wall. So the window looks half circle but the curvature is more than a half-circle. Include some large size sofa, some cushions, and modernized sofa cover will bring the whole look together undoubtedly. If you are surrounded by green naturally then you don’t need to put in much effort but if you are in some city then you should include some green all over that white theme. For instance, if you are looking for home window replacement near Phoenix, AZ, you should hire a local contractor who is familiar with the city’s landscape and knows what will work best to highlight your windows in that particular setting. 

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source: homedsgn.com

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round window

source: abchomedeco.club

There are some stylish round window designs, which are specially meant to enhance the beauty of the whole interior. This idea has some such influence as well, so in such kind of design the windows are generally fixed and they tend to be generally small and should be rounded with a rectangular window all round. The windows are surrounded by some very attractive sculpting externally so that it can grab the attention of every trespasser even. 

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source: builderswindow.com

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source: data.whicdn.com

The next live sized round window design you would love is this one. You have heard about window beds were in a live size secured window you can have your mattress and cushion for that one specific corner of yours where you can spend time with yourself. The same idea is with this particular design of round windows, this idea has huge sized round windows with a great breath made of fully cement or tiles. You can have your softest mattress in that and can enjoy every dusk lying over there and can think of the most creative idea for your future as well. 

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source: retrorenovation.com

round window

source: spallerglover.com

The next idea is the most attractive one in this entire list and you’ll have to sense the idea to love it. Have you ever seen an exhaust round fans with many plates, this idea is that huge exhaust fan window which will make your living room the most favorite room of yours. Firstly the whole window needs to be made with wood and the lower portion of plates are fully closed making it look like small covered radii of a circle but the upper portion looks like tilted plates of a fan and this kind of design is such a mind-blowing idea that everybody will crave to have such kind of themed window in their house for once.

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source: smallhouseswoon.com

round window

source: curatedinterior.com

round window

source: homedsgn.com

round window

source: Curbed.com