6 Signs Your Building Needs New Flooring This 2024
Posted in: Home Improvement,Residential
On January 24, 2022

Flooring is a very important part of any business. It could help draw the eye into a store and make someone want to spend more time there.

Walking on a solid, stable, well-laid floor would make a big difference in the customers’ comfort. Having the correct type of flooring for each section of the business would ensure that the customers are happy and make the employees happy too.

There are so many options for flooring that it could be difficult to choose from all of them. Evaluating the needs of the business and determining the type of flooring needed would ultimately drive the decision-making process. But how would you know if the building needs new flooring? Here are some signs to look out for:

Signs Of Wear And Tear

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source: rainbowintl.com

When floors receive high traffic like the ones from a business, the floor may be worn down faster than the flooring of a house, for example.

If you notice that the flooring has started to crack, the carpet started to tear, or the wood has worn through, it may be time to consider new options for your business flooring. The creaks, crevasses, and tears are unsightly, which may offset the customers coming through the door.

Getting professional advice from Flooring Stores in New Zealand could help any business in evaluating their flooring options.

Smelly Odors

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source: hanseceramictile.com

With years of cleaning or spillages, there may be areas on the floor that could start to smell. If this is the case, a change of flooring is a must.

Not only will the customers be offended by the foul smell hanging in the air, but it could drive the employees crazy too. Smells could originate from improper cleaning, dust, or mold and, in each case, should be addressed immediately.

Stubborn Stains

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source: piterest.com

Another unattractive feature of flooring could be marks and discoloration caused by stains. Some stains are stubborn, and it doesn’t matter how many times they are cleaned; they still leave their mark.

Should this be the case for any part of your business’ floors? A new option would most likely have to be contemplated. Stains make the carpets or flooring look dirty even though they were cleaned. This could give the wrong impression to customers and make the business look sloppy and dirty.

If the stain takes up a small space of the entire floor and costs may hinder the business from replacing the entire floor, low-cost carpeting options are also available.

Aesthetically Outdated

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source: flooringinc.com

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Business buildings aren’t all newly built, and some date back centuries. When a business has been running from the same buildings for ages, chances are the look and feel created long ago no longer suits the modern business world.

Updating the flooring to a fresh, modern style that will suit the nature of your business could be like giving the office a facelift. Aesthetically eye-pleasing businesses would, in theory, attract more customers. 

The aesthetics of the building could come into play when the property is being sold or rented, and replacing the floors could increase the overall value.

Unsafe Hazards

Over the years, business flooring may take a real beating with high volumes of customers and other foot traffic daily.

When carpets start to unravel, wooden boards start to splinter, or vinyl peel away, it could present a danger to both customers and staff. Accidents happen very quickly, and before you know it, there may be a serious injury caused by tripping or falling because of the damaged floor. 

Businesses with unsafe flooring may open themselves up to lawsuits from customers who got hurt or workers’ compensation claims from employees. The lawsuits and claims could easily cost more than replacing the floor, so take care of it as a matter of urgency.

Uncomfortable Allergies

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source: thespruce.com

When clients and staff start to complain about allergies, the last thing we usually would consider would be the flooring.

Old carpets collected so much dust and other particles over the years that they may set off an allergic reaction when disturbed. An allergic reaction could be triggered by simply walking around in the building.

Wooden floors that sustained water damage may have problems with mold. The mold could still be present underneath the floorboards even when not seen. Some types of molds could be very toxic to humans if they’re exposed for prolonged periods.

Covering It All

New floors may beautify the business space and make it more functional and fit for purpose. Good-looking floors are a good investment for any business, and whatever the reason for replacing them, there’s a solution out there for every need. Add more value for the customers by updating the flooring and creating the perfect business setting.

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