How to Smartly Use Plants Creatively in Interior Design
Posted in: Architecture
On November 8, 2021

Since the beginning of time, plants have been a universal symbol of life in every home. Apart from their botanic properties, many leafy greens are the perfect decoration for your interior design. Whether you live in a spacious landed property or a small HDB unit, there are plants for every home. Of course, some knowledge of Botanics won’t hurt, but you can still deal with the challenge. Perhaps, the most crucial step is to realise the concept of having a few plants here and there.

For example, you may bring in some low light plants or cacti to your work area. Moreover, you can create a focal point in your living room with a tall leafy tree. Either way, indoor plants may not bring nature into your home, at least in a complete sense. On the other hand, they’re the best way to freshen up your interior. That’s why don’t hesitate to add some greenery to your interior design.

If you’re unsure where to start, take the step to go to the local garden centre. There, the experts will give you some handy tips on which plants to get. But before you head to the store, we’ll help you with our brilliant guide on using plants in interior design.

5 Best Plants for Your Interior Design

Olive Tree

use plant in Interior Design


If you’re looking to adopt a warmer interior design, an olive tree will bring in the Mediterranean vibe. Apart from olive oil, olive trees have a distinct smell that constantly reminds you of a sunny and warm climate. What’s more, you can quickly move your tree in and out in the summer. Its signature slate grey-green colour will perfectly match minimalist and boho aesthetics where light and warm tones dominate the interior.


If you don’t like the idea of watering your indoor plants every day, then a bunch of cacti will ideally suit you. These tiny plants are some of the preferable choices for indoor decoration because of their low maintenance needs. Since they’re easy to care for, they’re perfect for beginners looking to adorn their working space. Besides, everybody loves prickly succulents. While they purify your air, they will remind you of their natural warm-weather environment.

Rubber Tree

use plant in Interior Design


The Rubber Tree is a popular choice of decoration for homes with modern eclectic interior design. It has moderate to tall height with vibrant deep green leaves that will quickly highlight the contrast in your living room. Besides, this evergreen plant is ideal for offices where there’s plenty of open space to fill. Just remember to keep the soil moist and wipe the leaves to remain fresh throughout the year.

Kentia Palm

The Kentia Palm is another low maintenance plant that will only require occasional misting. This palm species can grow up to 180 cm tall to create a stunning focal point in any room. Perhaps, you’re looking to bring in towering greenery to your interior. In such a case, this plant will astonish you with its long and edgy bamboo-like leaves. Besides, you can always place it in a corner in your hallway or your living room.

Snake Plant

Undoubtedly, the Snake Plant is one of the most popular hardy indoor plants to bring to your home. Due to their compact shape and exciting leaves, they’re an excellent fit for any room. What’s more, you’d love to have these species’ outstanding air-purifying qualities in your bedroom. One of the most important rules is to avoid overwatering the Snake Plant, especially in winter.

How to Use Plants to Arrange Your Interior

Vertical Focal Point

use plant in Interior Design


Sometimes, you have to do more than buying some plush cushions and expensive art. A bunch of hanging greenery on your shelf or above your windows can make a small focal point. Indeed, drapey plants will give you the much-needed overflowing look that will blend in with the rest of your interior. 

Pair them with floral art or small succulents to make your interior design look lively and dynamic. Typically, the more diverse your plants and planters, the more enhancing mood you’ll achieve. As a result, you will create a calmer and fresher atmosphere in your bedroom or kitchen.

Create a Spotlight

You must look at your plants as part of the plan, not an afterthought when it comes to interior design. Indeed, sometimes they can make or break your entire concept. For example, minimalist interior styles often rely on creating a spotlight using greenery. 

That’s why it’s vital to choose your indoor plants carefully. Typically, the go-to pick is a snake plant that’s great for dimly lit rooms without much natural light. On the other hand, picking a tall and lush plant is a great way to add presence to your dining table. In both cases, the idea is to give your space some bold pop of color and organic texture.

Welcome To The Jungle


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If you love nature and plants, then you should try creating your little jungle. Perhaps, you can set the mood by placing some greenery in your entryway. Of course, you should pick tall and lean plants like a fiddle-leaf tree. While it will easily fit into the tight corners, it will fill the atmosphere with fresh air. Another excellent alternative for narrow hallways is snake grass, which is perfect for decorating limited spaces.

Embrace Shelf Life

In the past few years, many interior design experts have started incorporating vertical storage options. Of course, you can’t help but adorn your bookcase or wall shelves with a curated selection of unique plants. Usually, there’s no rule to the species you’d want to incorporate. Still, it would be best if you aimed to add a wide range of green stuff, including taller cacti and small trees. If you happen to live in a small Condo or an HDB, fill your bookshelf with plants. That way, you’ll provide valuable contrast to your books and personal belongings. What’s more, the unique texture will be unmatchable. 

Adorn Your Window View


Undoubtedly, natural light is one of the most critical factors to creating the perfect interior design. In this regard, you’d want to do your best to decorate your windows properly. A decent tip is to frame lively house plants for your living room or bedroom windows. In this case, you can combine hanging, and floor plants with different planters will add an eccentric note. The high low mix will bring the spotlight to your window view. Notable plants to help you achieve the effect are aloe vera, snake plant, African milk bush, jade plant, etc.

A Curated Selection

Like decorating windows, you can complete your interior design look by creating a focal point in a corner. Whether it’s your bedroom, living room, bathroom or kitchen, this curated concept will work effortlessly. Just bring in some tall indoor plants or more minor variants placed on a varying height stand. You’ll love the fantastic vibe that a combination of palms and cacti can bring in a set of complementary plant holders.

Final Thoughts 

To conclude, plants play an integral role in every interior design. Whether you live in a small or big home, bringing some greenery into your home is a must. Whatever plants you choose will raise the air quality in your home. Moreover, their natural scent will freshen up the atmosphere and make your place more welcoming. 

That’s why our experts from Swiss Interior strive to bring every interior project closer to nature.  Apart from the interior styles that use plants as a signature feature, adding houseplants can always spice things up. After all, nothing can replace some lush greenery’s calming and decorative properties in your interior design.

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