7 Things To Know While Choosing Architecture Firms In Noida
Posted in: Architecture
On August 28, 2021

We have often seen people struggle to build a perfect design for their homes. Many times, people design a structure but the spaces go wasted. All this might be because of their lack of proper awareness about the designs. Earlier, building houses meant preparing a structure that could hold many people under one roof. However, with time, people evolved, ideas and imaginations became more specific. All this could happen because the budding architects were being trained for excellence. 

Moving on to the current scenario, architects are vastly needed. From building large offices to designing homes, hiring an architect to do the job is in vogue. It requires a tremendous amount of skill set from an architect to turn a person’s dream into reality. Hence this job should only be done by trained and polished hands. Then again, the part where a person has to find a perfect architecture firm for the job can be overwhelming. Hence, in this article, we have covered the 7 key points that you would require to find the best architectural firms in Noida. In addition to this, we have also covered all the Do’s and Don’ts that you need to know while searching for the right architecture firms in Noida

Let us help you with your search starting with Equim Designs- a firm that is on the top of our list. This architectural firm is considered one of the best architectural firms in Greater Noida. Why? Because this company is one of the most professionally qualified firms with the architects who have par excellence quality of work. 

Equim Designs: Turning Dreams Into Reality

Choosing Architecture Firms In Noida

source: nearmetrade.com

Equim Design is one of those architectural firms in Noida that makes people’s dreams come true. They are believed to be one of the best firms to design your homes. This architectural firm in Greater Noida uses modern-day tools to build eco-friendly structures that have fresh themes and concepts. Their structures and styles are purely inspired by nature. The unique designs that they make are crafted by a designing tool called “parametric design”. 

Equim Designs host online as well as offline workshops for the budding architects of the country. They are associated with various educational institutions to train these budding architects with real-life aspects relevant to the field. Their main aim is to create a modern yet sustainable home and office spaces. This very motto of theirs makes the company one of the best architecture firms in Noida

Functioning of Architecture Firms In Noida

Choosing Architecture Firms In Noida

source: senseprojects.in

The architecture firms in Noida are recruiting the most skilled and exceptional architects from various educational institutions. These architects are among those who have exceptional skills and an eye for creating distinguished art styles. Equim Designs is one such architectural firm in Noida that hires more of these fresh minds to broaden their own spectrum of skills. This company is very dedicated to their client’s preferences.  

The architecture firms in Greater Noida are established because of their ability to communicate with clients. Furthermore, Equim Designs uses parametric design tools to create unique designs and structures. Their plans are based on nature-friendly strategies. The structure and the entire planning that they do is sustainable. 

The architecture firms in Noida have very user-friendly websites. These websites give you a detailed description of their services and also portray the images of their projects. 

Anyone who is a new client of Equim Design can access their website and look for their contact and look at their work samples. They also arrange face-to-face meetings to understand a client’s preference better. 

The designs are made using modern-day tools and state of art equipment. The communication between the client and the team is kept very coordinated. From taking daily follow-ups to achieving a step-by-step process till the result, Equim Design takes care of it all.  

7 Key Things To Know When Choosing An Architecture Firm

Choosing Architecture Firms In Noida

source: kreatecube.com

  • Background Of The Firm And Their Vision

When you choose an architectural firm, you would want to know their vision. Why? Well, here’s the reason. When we decide to build our homes or office spaces, we have a vision in mind. For example, when we look forward to building our homes, our vision is to relax and have a peaceful mind.

When we build our office spaces, our vision is to have a comforting yet professional environment. Hence, when you consult an architectural firm, you must look into their vision and motive.  Make sure that the company has the same intentions as you, to have a wholesome and unique space for your dwelling. 

  • Talk To The Regular Customers And Learn About Their Experiences 

When you look for architecture firms in Noida, you must consult the previous customers as well as the current customers. Try to contact these customers and gather their reviews about the firm’s service. As there are always two sides to a coin, the reviews will be both good and bad, try to maintain a neutral reaction and then decide which form you would choose.

Always remember that what might suit you may not be very suitable for someone else. Hence, the reviews will differ. However, it is for you to decide whether to go on board with a company or not, but make sure to make an informed decision. 

  • Know About the Capability And Skills Of The Teams At The Firm  

Choosing Architecture Firms In Noida

source: microsoft.com

Architecture is one of the most creative and difficult skills. It takes years to polish one’s skill and master the art. However, when you consult a firm to work with you, make sure to look for some work samples. Look at the work samples, and you might determine the skills of the architects based on them.

You should rest assured about the people you hand over the work to build your homes. This assurance would only be attained when you look at the sample work done by the architects.  

  • Look For The Degree Of Professionalism Of The Staff

To run a company successfully, people need to set some professional boundaries. While it is necessary to connect with the client to understand what service they are expecting, a fine line has to be drawn between personal and professional sentiments. When you decide to consult with some architecture firms in Noida,  make sure to notice the professional behaviour of the staff.

There have been times when people have rejected certain companies because of the lack of professional approach towards work, look into the part where you do not get trapped with such companies too. 

  • The Company Should Be In Accordance With Your Work Style And Mindset

Choosing Architecture Firms In Noida

source: hdadelhi.com

As stated above, everyone has their own taste and choices when it comes to building homes and buildings. Hence, it is always advisable to know which company or firm would suit your style the best. Building homes with new architects should ideally be the experience of your lifetime, hence, should be memorable. 

The company that you choose to hand over such a big responsibility should be compatible with you. If not so, then the entire process of such large projects might be affected. 

  • Compare the Prices And Match Your Budget

When we think of reconstructing our homes or building them from scratch, we fix certain budgets for ourselves. While some people would love to spend more on the embellishments, some would love to keep things very minimal. So before you seal the deal with a firm, look for their pricing and then compare it to your budget. 

Some firms would charge you unreasonably high. Steer clear from such companies. Learn to have an eye for genuine firms like Equim Designs, which is rated as one of the best architecture firms in Greater Noida

  • Make Sure The Company Holds A Legal Licence For The Work
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Choosing Architecture Firms In Noida

source: malvigajjar.com

There may be many companies that would claim that they are legal and authentic yet do not hold a legitimate licence. This especially happens when a chain of companies open their branches in different locations. Confirm that the company is legally certified to do their job or not.

There have been many cases regarding such fraud. However, with today’s security systems and organized authentication approach, finding such fraud companies would be rare

What Drives People To Get A Preferable Dwelling Environment?

In recent times, the buildings we look at have a concept behind them. The homes that are built by an architect always have a theme regarding the design. All of these are because of the recent architectural methodologies applied by the architects on the designs. Earlier, when we looked at certain houses, they were just the common box-shaped houses with equally measured rooms. However, with the people mixing up with diverse cultures and demanding something unique, building homes that are well planned are in vogue. 

The fast-paced life of people has left them craving for a comfortable space where they can relax and unwind. Surprisingly, over the years, architects have realized that the designs and structure of your office spaces and homes have a key role in setting the mood. Hence, people now prefer a rather comfortable and breathable structure for homes and planned, professional set-up for offices. 

The Do’s and Don’ts You Need To Follow While Choosing An Architectural Firm

Choosing Architecture Firms In Noida

source: homify.com


When someone runs a business, persuading the client to avail more services from them is a very common strategy. Meanwhile, most of the time these services can be useful, sometimes the services might not suit your planned budget.

Be careful about not being dragged over your budget. Always remember that homes can be built on a minimal and decent budget. Hence, always have a budget plan at hand. This will give you a rough idea of how to go about all the procedures. 


As I always say, reviews are very essential for a firm to grow. No matter which architectural firm in Greater Noida is it, if it has a reviews column, customers would readily read/write. Hence, when you are trying to find the best architectural firm to build your home, you must read the reviews.

However, there are always two sides to a coin. One side states the truth and the other states the false reviews. Always go with genuine reviews. Know how to differentiate between the two and move forth with an informed decision. 


Choosing Architecture Firms In Noida

source: stirworld.com

When you work with a firm you would definitely want them to work in accordance with your preference. It is on an architectural firm that they would make their clients comfortable with communicating. 

Before all these things, see that the firm creates designs in which you are interested. 


Whenever you look for an architectural firm in Noida, first estimate the price and affordability. See if the prices and the designs suit your pocket and then go further with the choosing part.

These were some of the main Do’s and Don’ts that you must follow while choosing an architectural firm. However, these are the additional pointers that might come in handy.

  • Do not fall for fraud or unreasonable offers
  • Do look for the skills and work samples before you zero out a firm
  • Do consult people who have experienced hiring architectures before you
  • Do not interfere with the architectural tools the firm has to offer, everyone has their own way of working and the least we as customers could do is respect that
  • Be patient and communicative throughout the process. Be vocal about your opinions. 

Why Is Equim Designs One Of The Best In Architecture Firms In Noida?

Choosing Architecture Firms In Noida

source: brabbu.com

  • Most Preferred By People 

Being one of the best architecture firms in Noida, Equim Designs is the most preferred firm among the people of Noida. The perfection with which the architects work is commendable, and their sheer hard work shows up on the sustainable structures they make.

  • High Quality work

From plotting the structure of the project to using the highest quality materials for construction, the architects of Equim Designs use only the highest quality materials. Furthermore, the skills and expertise with which the people from each teamwork is par excellence. This company is one of those architecture firms in Greater Noida that dedicate their passion towards building sustainable structures.

  • Best customer services

A firm’s customer support should be the strongest functioning section, and Equim Designs make sure to extend their best at it. With spontaneous customer support that is available through various modes, the company does ace in their job at communicating with their clients. 

Choosing Architecture Firms In Noida

source: archindesignstudio.com

  • Tie-Ups with Universities And Conducting Workshops

Keeping their knowledge to themselves is not what the architects at Equim Designs believe. They conduct both online and offline workshops for students of various universities. The company also hold on-field trips for all the budding architects and the people who are already working in this field but want to gain the most out of it.

  • Expert Architects With Hands-on Skills

The employees of a firm decide the fate of a company. The expert architects here have made the company one of the best architecture firms in Noida because of their experienced hands. The hard work and training that the architects have gone through make them very polished at their work.

  • Sustainable Plans With Eco-Friendly Designs

We have often seen that the flora and fauna around us are being cut and depleted to build tall structures. Equim Designs does the exact opposite of this. They work in accordance with nature to build wholesome and sustainable buildings and homes.

Furthermore, the designs they create are unique. No designs are repeated twice. These skills and a broad imaginative mindset is what builds this company to be one of the best as a whole. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Choosing Architecture Firms In Noida

source: microsoft.com

  • What is the most famous architect company in Noida?

Ans. With all the reviews flooding in their site, it is quite evident that the most famous and the best architecture firm in Greater Noida is Equim Designs. The firm is famous for its unique and sustainable designs. The company has the most skilled architects who are very dedicated to each project that they take. 

Hence, Equim Designs is a well deserved famous architect company in Noida. 

  • Do the architects in Noida provide only consultation services?

Ans. No, it is not just the consultancy services that the architecture firms in Noida provide, they also run live workshops and provide design solutions, planning, renovation and restoration services, etc. They have a team of skilled experts who handle different departments and look closely into the plan for your project. 

  • What does an ideal architectural firm do?

Ans. To start with, an ideal architectural firm maintains a good relationship with its client. They understand what the client wants. Usually, architectural firms are established to pitch in the designs to their clients and that’s how a project works, but, an ideal architectural firm communicates thoroughly with the client. This communication leads to better teamwork and the best results possible. 

In Conclusion

Choosing Architecture Firms In Noida

source: sulcdn.azureedge.net

That brings us to the end of the article. We understand that choosing the best architecture firms in Noida can be a bit challenging. There are so many companies that are doing well for themselves, but to find a company that has a warm atmosphere is indeed a tough job. 

Equim Designs is one of those architecture firms in Greater Noida that is doing extremely well for itself and is preferred by several customers from across the country. Hence, have a look at their website and check out their work! You just might be convinced that they might be the right ones for your project!

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