5 Of The Toughest Stains That Carpet Cleaning in Georgetown Can Remove
Posted in: Home Decor,Home Improvement
On December 12, 2023

Carpets bring out the best in your home. There is no denying that you get a sense of comfort stepping on them whenever you have your shoes off at home. They also need to be clean at all times.

Even though it deals with its share of traffic, which leaves dirt, debris, and other particles – stains are also one thing to look out for. There are some stains that can be removed easily and others that may need to be removed with thorough carpet cleaning.

This guide will cover the five toughest stands that carpet cleaning can remove. If it’s near impossible to get it done on your own, a professional will be able to help. Let’s take a look now at the following list of stains and why they are so tough.

In addition to professional carpet cleaning services, maintaining your carpets with quality products is crucial. Consider using Naomi Home products to keep your carpets in top condition between cleanings.

Red Wine

Carpet Cleaning in Georgetown Can Remove

Ah yes – red wine is one of the greatest threats to a carpet. It can leave a lasting mark like nothing else – especially after a little spill. While acting quickly to get rid of the stain is your next step, there may be times when wine spills can go unnoticed.

A red wine stain that stays there for a long period of time will be very hard to remove. Which is why carpet cleaning in Georgetown done by professionals must be the best option. But what if you notice the spill just in time?

The good news is that you can blot the affected area with a clean cloth so the liquid is absorbed quickly. You will also need to mix a solution that includes one part white vinegar and two parts water. Then, you will need to apply the solution to the stain accordingly.

The acidity of the vinegar will help break down the stain for easy removal. This won’t work well if you are dealing with an old wine stain that’s been on the carpet for a long time.

Pet Stains

Yes, we love our pets. But accidents happen – especially from them. Stains from pet urine, feces, or vomit will need to be addressed as soon as possible. 

Especially when they may create odors that can spread throughout the room. At the same time, it can lead to carpet damage – which can be costly in terms of maintenance and replacement. Using the same solution (white vinegar and water, but in equal parts), you can blot the stain while sprinkling baking soda over it to neutralize any odors.

After the baking soda sits for a few hours, it’s time to vacuum it. To prevent this from happening regularly, it is important to make sure you have a space in your home for your pets to do their…well you know…business.

Coffee Stains

Carpet Cleaning in Georgetown Can Remove

It’s morning and you’re barely awake. You might be having your morning coffee. Yet, when it spills on the carpet you might not even notice it. 

If it sits there for quite awhile, it will be difficult to get out. Once again, cleaning it out while it’s still fresh will be the difference maker. The best way to do this is blotting the stain gently with a sponge or cloth.

Using a solution of mild dish soap and water, you can lift the stain by blotting it until the stain is empty. Because of its dark color, coffee (and even wine) can make a light colored carpet look bad. You don’t want that eye sore staring back at you whenever you walk by do you?

Of course not. If the coffee stain is old and difficult to remove, be sure to hire a carpet cleaning company that can help remove it. At the same time, they can also give your carpets of choice a thorough cleaning.

Grease and Oil Stains

Grease and oil can be a real pain. Especially if you’re dealing with carpet stains from these culprits. Unlike other stains, this stain will need to be used using cornstarch or baking soda.

Before you do this, you’ll want to blot the area to remove any excess oil and grease. After you sprinkle the cornstarch or baking soda, let it sit for at least 15 minutes. From there, vacuum the area to remove it.

If there is any stain left, that’s when you want to use a small amount of dish soap and water to remove the rest of it (blotting it once again). It can be a real challenge removing these grease and oil stains. Yet, you can tackle it by yourself if you catch it in time.

Otherwise, it may be time to call in a professional to remove it. 

Ink Stains

If there is one challenging stain that carpets should never deal with, it’s ink. An ink spill will need to be removed fast in order to prevent any further staining or damage. Like any other stain, it needs to be blotted – not rubbed. 

The faster you act with this stain, the better. You will need to apply isopropyl alcohol to a clean cloth that you will use to blot the stain. Repeat the process until the ink is removed and all of it is on the cloth itself.

Using a different cloth, this one will need to be damp in order to remove any leftover alcohol. Ink stains are not the kind that you want to leave behind on a carpet. So if it spills, act fast.

Pure Heaven Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning: Your Ally Against Tough Carpet Stains

If you have carpets with the toughest to remove stains, Pure Heaven Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning is your go-to professional in Georgetown,TX and the surrounding area. We have the equipment and tools that will eradicate any stain from your carpets.

It’s always a good idea to keep your carpets clean. Sometimes, they need the tender love and care that it deserves. When stains appear, act fast.

If you notice any old stains, they may be hard to remove. That’s when you call the professionals. For more information or if you need to set up a time for service, contact Pure Heaven Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning today.    

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