How to Arrange a Furniture Removal Service?
Posted in: Commercial,Residential
On September 17, 2021

Have you ever needed to replace your old furniture but you didn’t have the time or power to do it? Or have you lately bought new furniture, only to have the old furniture sit around the house and collect dust? 

A furniture removal isn’t an easy process. They are heavy and hard to move, that’s why is nearly impossible to do it on your own. You may even need extra help from someone else to move heavier pieces. Even if you can succeed to convince someone to help you with the heavy lifting, you still have to drop it off for donation or at the garbage dump on your own. 

Many cities don’t allow particular furniture items on the curb, and for city pick up you need to count on their tight schedule. Just because you don’t want your furniture anymore doesn’t mean that it has to go straight to the dump.

If you bought new furniture and probably thinking of how to best get rid of the old ones without carrying them around yourself, there are some easy ways of getting rid of them.

Sell Your Furniture

Furniture Removal Service


Most people know of eBay and Amazon. If you’re looking to get rid of old furniture, both platforms offer a great opportunity to do this and make some money while getting rid of some old furniture. The key is to know about what furniture items you want to sell online compared to items that are better off being donated, or just being given to family or friends. Your goal is furniture removal and not necessarily to make a lot of money.

Donate Your Furniture

Furniture Removal Service


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Donating your old furniture can be a great choice. There are hundreds of organizations that will take most donated furniture items. Mattresses are often excluded, as are medical kind items. However, almost any other kind of old furniture item can be gifted and provide for those less privileged.

Repurpose Your Furniture

Furniture Removal Service


Let’s say you don’t want to sell or even give away your old furniture. With a little bit of creativity and imagination, your old furniture can be used for something new. You can reuse your well-loved items. For example, an old bookshelf can be converted into a display case. A damaged sofa can serve well in a garage game room and so on.

Recycle Your Furniture

Furniture Removal Service


You need to know that furniture is not intended to be easily recycled, and the costs of processing often beat the value of materials. Most of the wood used in the furniture is painted, which means paint can’t be composted. Though there is a market for leather scrap, it’s hard to separate from the foam packing and other components. As a result, most furniture that can’t be reused will end up in a landfill.

There can be problematic materials inside of some furniture items, recycling is not always an option. But the good news is that most furniture can be recycled most of the time.

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