BIM Architectural Companies Continuing To Be Tech Frenzy
Posted in: Architecture,Commercial
On August 20, 2020

Today, the best BIM architectural companies are continuing to be tech frenzy. Be it robotic reality capture, virtual reality, or gaming, top architectural firms are continuing to adopt the latest technologies to enhance the construction safety on site and monitor the project progress effectively. The best architectural design build service providers are exploring virtual and augmented reality tools for the sake of design visualization and scheduling coordination meetings with clients. BIM Building information Modeling also constitutes to be one of the most up-to-date construction technology trends followed by design build service providers.

As per the opinion of the Industry Experts, BIM companies act as a catalyst for a fundamental transformation in the way of managing, designing, and developing a construction project – be it for architectural, structural, or MEP services. Different levels of programming are empowered through BIM by architectural BIM service providers, out of which 3D, 4D, and 5D BIM  techniques are the representative instances in that direction.

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Considering a universal point of view, BIM design build solution brings accuracy to the building process and endows the exchange of substantial project information amongst numerous stakeholders. The evolution of BIM technique implemented by the best architecture firm is expected to make construction projects dynamic and affordable through sustainability and construction safety measures. BIM commercial architecture firm acts as a game-changer for construction and provides a comprehensive depiction of the projected growth in an open and collaborative environment.

Let’s now take a look at how architectural engineering companies are implementing the latest technologies in their work process for collaboration and real-time communication?

  • To implement advanced applications, competent architecture firms are using the video gaming platform for creating highly interactive and immersive building models for customers. The subsequent 3D models can operate on the website, as an application, through a Play Station, or virtual reality headsets like the Oculus Rift.
  • To enjoy basic Virtual Reality sessions, architectural design build solution companies are also testing Google Cardboard, a low-cost cardboard template for turning any smartphone into a VR headphone. While integrating with distinct lenses, Google Cardboard facilitates users to view stereo panoramic renderings immersing them in a prearranged space, and enabling them to look in all directions – left, right, up & down.
  • Several Architectural BIM Service Providers and commercial architecture firms are taking up the hacker/maker culture, and are inspiring employees to grow and test innovative tech tools. Some of the Innovation Grant Programs provide economic support and resources to the employees for turning their notions into resolutions, in partnership with local associates. The programs laid to the growth of exclusive tools and applications used by employees across the country. The Innovation Grant Programs often include mobile applications like safety coach, pre-task planning tool, project corners, and job site communication application.

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  • Advanced applications are also used by architectural engineering firms for exploring advanced applications of 3D laser scanners. The technique is also used as a Quality Analysis/Quality Control tool. The BIM Laser scanning technologies used by BIM companies and best architecture firms have become so user-friendly that project teams including project engineers as well as assistant project managers use laser scanners as a part of their daily activities. Many of the contractors own manifold laser scanners and are planning to purchase more during recent years to support project requirements.
  • Many of the architectural engineering firms consider increasing scanning units on tracked robots for accelerating and automating the process of reality capture. Some of the applications include scanning of inaccessible zones, like abandoned structures. Many of the architects are also working on SLAM – Simultaneous Localization & Mapping Robotics developments for scanning job sites and opening floors with automatic routines to find ways near blocked off parts, wreckage, building materials, and parked scissor lifts.
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  • Architectural BIM Service companies are also involved in establishing a team of BIM Engineers to improve the practices and tools for the delivery of the complete building life cycle BIM models to the owners as well as the facility managers. The objective is to facilitate clients streamline the Operation & Maintenance activities through operation models, integrating data and links to key documentation. The most recent success of the architectural firm lies in an enhanced Operation & Maintenance Building Information Modeling package for the construction professionals. The deliverables proved to be so valuable that the AEC (Architectural, Engineering & Construction) firms are implementing BIM Engineering packages for facilities management. The usage of digital tools enables the buildup of the valuable information and minimization of delays, rework, and communication hiccups between the construction site and the workplace. In this regard, consistent real-time collaboration is projected to operate as the digital backbone for the construction work process from the start to finish.

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  • Many architectural firms are also developing customized tools. Competent Architects are creating a project tracking application for accurately monitoring projects in real-time, with an emphasis on profit maximization. Software innovations of the construction firms are getting integrated into the cost database of clients with parametric equations for enabling the organization to execute digital design, scenario plan, and complete estimate at the conceptual design stage. Architectural & engineering companies are also developing a computational technique for space optimization. Using the BIM tool, the architectural firms can accomplish competence gains in numerous AEC projects including infrastructure, educational, mixed-use, commercial, industrial, and sports facilities based on simulated paths.

A data-driven architectural, engineering & construction sector with an emphasis on collaboration and real-time communication is around the corner. This helps the construction project stakeholders to have hope for improved productivity and few painful project delays.

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