What Causes My Furnace To Turn On And Off Frequently?
Posted in: Commercial,Residential
On July 13, 2022

When your furnace is turning on and off frequently, it can be frustrating and expensive. You might not know what is causing this issue, but that’s ok! 

In this post, we’ll answer the age-old question, “why is my furnace turning on and off?”. 

We’ll also provide some tips to help you troubleshoot and fix the problem. So, if your furnace has been acting up lately, keep reading for some helpful advice.

Do you love learning about HVAC systems? If so, be sure to take a look at this informative blog by Anderson Air that goes over how to clean a flame sensor on a furnace.

Why is my furnace turning on and off? — Five reasons why

furnace turning on and off

source: serviceexperts.com

If you’re wondering, “why is my furnace turning off and on at random?”, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some potential reasons why:

Furnaces turn on and off frequently when the filter is dirty

A furnace usually turns on and off to maintain a certain temperature. However, if the furnace filter is dirty, the furnace will have to work harder to maintain the same temperature. As a result, the unit will turn on and off more frequently, which can shorten its lifespan. 

In addition, a dirty furnace filter can cause the unit to overheat, which can potentially lead to a fire. To avoid these problems, it is important to clean or replace the furnace filter on a regular basis. By doing so, you can help extend the life of your furnace, prevent costly repairs and keep your family out of harm’s way.

Furnaces turn on and off frequently when there is a lack of airflow

furnace turning on and off

source: pinterest.com

Furnaces are important in maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home, but they can also be a source of frustration. One common problem is that furnaces will turn on and off frequently when there is a lack of airflow. 

This can stem from a variety of unique factors, including a dirty air filter, a closed damper, or a blocked vent. Luckily, there are a handful of things that you can do to fix the problem. First, check your air filter and replace it if it is dirty. 

Second, make sure that all dampers are open and that vents are clear of debris. When you take these simple steps, you can help keep your furnace running smoothly and prevent it from turning on and off unnecessarily.

Furnaces turn on and off frequently when the furnace isn’t properly sized for the home

The size of your furnace is important. If it’s too small for a living space, it has to work harder and will turn on and off more frequently. This, in turn, can waste a significant amount of energy and shorten the lifespan of your furnace. 

On the other hand, if your unit is too large, it will cycle on and off less frequently, but each cycle will use more energy. In addition, furnaces that are too large can also cause problems with humidity levels in your home. 

As a result, it’s important to make sure that your furnace is properly sized for your home. Otherwise, you may end up wasting energy and causing damage to your furnace.

Furnaces turn on and off frequently when there is an issue with the thermostat

furnace turning on and off

source: thespruce.com

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Furnaces are designed to maintain a consistent temperature in your home, but if there is an issue with the thermostat, the furnace may turn on and off frequently. 

This can be frustrating because it can make your home uncomfortable and cause your energy bills to go up. If you suspect that your furnace unit is having this issue, there are a few things you can check. 

First, make sure that your home’s thermostat is set to the correct temperature. If it’s not, adjust it and see if that fixes the problem. If not, you may need to replace the batteries in the thermostat. If that doesn’t work, you may need to call a professional to take a look at your furnace. 

Don’t let an issue with your furnace ruin your comfort; if you think there’s a problem, take action and get it fixed by a professional.

Furnaces turn on and off frequently because of incorrect installation

furnace turning on and off

source: pinterest.com

Do you know if your furnace was installed properly? If you aren’t the original owner, then you may not have the answer.

Many furnaces are improperly installed, resulting in the frequent turning on and off of the unit. This issue can potentially lead to a number of problems, including reduced efficiency, increased wear and tear, and higher utility bills. 

In some cases, the problem can be resolved by simply adjusting the thermostat settings. However, in most cases, the issue is due to incorrect installation and will require professional assistance. By ensuring that your furnace is installed correctly, you can help to avoid these costly problems.

Why is my furnace turning on and off frequently? — Final thoughts

Earlier, you were wondering, “why is my gas furnace turning on and off?”. Now you know that many things can cause the issue to occur.

If you’re experiencing problems with your furnace turning on and off frequently, it’s best to contact a reputable HVAC service as soon as possible. They will be able to inspect your system and determine the cause of the problem so that it can be fixed as quickly as possible.

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