How to Celebrate Halloween in Home with Friends or Family
Posted in: Home Decor,Residential
On September 11, 2020

Are you stuck in the house this Halloween? Are you not going to any guests’ house? Don’t worry! You can still enjoy halloween 2020 in your own way without going to parties or making candy runs. There is so much to do to get you in the spooky spirit! Here are some of the Halloween celebration ideas:

Host an Outdoor Scary-Movie Marathon

celebrate Halloween


If spooky costumes and decorations aren’t enough, host a movie marathon outdoors. Watch some of the scariest horror movies. The best advantage of this is that people of all ages can join this. However if there are small children, go for PG rated movies but if all are adults, look for the most frightening movie! You can also watch some horror videos of paranormal activities. For more fun, make a rule that everyone has to watch movie in the dark and eyes have to be kept open the whole time!

Go Camping and Tell Ghost Stories

celebrate Halloween

source: paranormal

What can be better than going for a camping and sharing chilled ghost stories? There is nothing creepier than sharing ghost stories with friends and family in the dark. If you have a backyard, you can have a campfire late at night there. You can make up ghost stories or share any paranormal activity that you have experienced. If you are spending Halloween alone, just read stories in the dark in lamplight to set a chilling atmosphere. You can also read horror stories from online websites.

DIY Jack-O-Lanterns

celebrate Halloween


It does not quite feel like Halloween until and unless you have carved your on pumpkin! If you are not much skilled at it don’t worry! Pumpkin carving kits and booklets of spooky pumpkin designs are available in the market. You can also print pumpkin carving stencils from your computer. There is a small tip for you! After scooping out the pulp from pumpkin, don’t throw away the seeds. Separate them from the pulp. You can bake them in the oven for a tasty treat! If you don’t want to carve your pumpkin, you can paint on it. This idea works great for children as they should not use carving tools.

Set Up a Ghost Train in Your Hallway

celebrate Halloween


If you want to go for unique decoration, try to set up a ghost train in the hallway. Dress as a guard with a creepy costume. Arrange some candies and train tickets to give to the children.

Get the Whole Family Involved in Dress Ups

celebrate Halloween


If you are not planning on going up out, you can dress up for Halloween. You can dress in any spooky, funny or creative costume. This is really fun! Not only kids even adults will have fun when they will pretend to be their favorite characters. If you want to be more creative, go for a scenery and a camera. Take some posted pictures of yourself and your children in some really spooky costumes. Dim the lamps and lights in the house for an even spookier picture!

Put a Tape Recorder in a Jack-O’-Lantern

celebrate Halloween


A normal jack-o-o lantern won’t look much creepy to celebrate Halloween. How about some creativity? Put up a tape recorder inside one of the lantern. Just imagine, someone walking by and the lantern suddenly starts speaking! 

Get on Board with the Tradition of Bobbing for Apples

celebrate Halloween


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Halloween is not fun without some interesting games, specially for the kids. Remember that old tradition of bobbing for apples? The game is played by filling a large tub with water and putting apples in it. Because of the less density, apples tend to flow on water. Players then have to catch the apples with their teeth. Doesn’t it sound interesting? Just include it!

Make Your Costume from Everyday Items

celebrate Halloween


Don’t have spooky costumes to wear on Halloween? Don’t worry! You can make your costume from very day items too. For ideas you can also search for diy Halloween costumes on the internet.

Make a Halloween Pinata, Arachnophobia-Style

celebrate Halloween


No matter whether you are celebrating Halloween or not, decorating the house is a really fun activity. If you plan on having visitors, you can decorate your house using fake spiderwebs, Halloween props, gravestones or other spooky decorations. You can even decorate the inside of your home in a creative way for your own enjoyment. Some of the cheap and simple forms of decoration are window clings or purple and orange strings of lights. Handmade pumpkin lanterns and candles are also a great choice though. Put up some spooky music to amplify the Halloween atmosphere. Decorate as much or as little as you want your house to be.

Here we have tried to curate some of the most popular ways by which you can undergo Halloween celebration at your home with friends and family.

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