How to Design a Semi-open Kitchen for Your Home
Posted in: Kitchen
On December 9, 2021

When you build your home, you want everything to be perfect. You’re particular about colors and decorative pieces, so it’s just how to want it to be. But sometimes, you have to compromise or mix and match stuff to match your requirements. Suppose you want a garden, but you live in a flat. You can install artificial turf and buy house plants to get closer to your dream garden.

The same goes for the kitchen. The kitchen is one of the most critical parts of your house. Depending on your priorities, you can design your kitchen to have an open or closed layout. Open kitchens involve the guests in conversations with the housewives cooking for them. A closed kitchen keeps the cooking area separate and prevents dust particles from coming inside. It also covers up the kitchen area.

But suppose you’re very particular about how you want your house to be. In that case, you can combine the characteristics a create a semi-open kitchen. It will be just how you like it.

What’s a Semi-open Kitchen?

Semi-open Kitchen


A semi-open kitchen is one that’s half covered and half open. It’s a flexible modal as opposed to a stricter approach of an open or closed kitchen. You don’t have to choose one. These are some of the many benefits of a semi-open kitchen:

  • It looks modern, and you can decorate it in any way you like.
  • There’s a lot of room for choice as you can keep it open when the kitchen is dirty or close it when you’re having private conversations.
  • It creates a barrier between the living room and the kitchen without being completely restricted.
  • It helps you avoid people you don’t want to talk to yet keep the option open if your friends come over.

A semi-open kitchen is a cook’s best friend as one doesn’t have to go back and forth for anything that one’s missed. You have to design your space intelligently, and you serve the food directly and bring anything from the kitchen.

Create Your Own Semi-open Kitchen

  • Using framed or unframed glass

Semi-open Kitchen


The choice of home decor depends on your personality. An introverted minimalist might go for naked glass as it’s plain and suits their personality more. Extroverted trendsetters will like it framed as it emits a designer appeal. Either way, you get a border. Unframed glass prevents fumes and smells from spreading into the whole house and allows good visibility. Framed glass panels are very similar, and their characteristics don’t differ. But they add an element of character and chic design.

  • Sliding door
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It’s the best option for modular kitchen lovers where everything is in your control. You can close it when the kitchen is messy and open it whenever you like. A translucent glass panel is ideal for a sliding door. It allows light to penetrate easily as a well-lit kitchen creates a friendly vibe for cooking. This also prevents full transparency and secures your privacy while cooking.

  • High partition

Semi-open Kitchen


A combination half-wall counter creates a border for the kitchen. Install two high chairs behind this partition, and you can have quick meals with your children here. You can put fresh toast on their plate right out of the toaster. This setup helps when you’re busy with household chores and cooking but still want to spend time with your children. You can adjust the height according to your convenience.

  • Bi-folding windows

The design of bi-folding windows is quite functional. They are easy to handle as one can easily open or close them at your convenience. It’s built above the countertop. You can choose different materials like wood or metal for the windows. It depends on budget as other materials come at different prices.

  • Window cutouts

Semi-open Kitchen


Window cutouts are easiest to create, and they’re just a big square or rectangle-shaped hole in the wall. With these in place, you can serve hot food on the dining table right out of the stove with window cutouts. Here’s a great design hack: you can install cabinets above the countertop, creating a big open space in the kitchen. You can choose between upper and open cabinets as they both suit well.

  • Widen the door

If you don’t want to go through the fuss of designing and building, you can go for wide doors. This one is the easiest in the book. You’ve got to put door so why not make wide. They’ll make up for good open space when open and a barrier when close. You can add curtains to have a dramatic effect.

Semi-open Kitchen


If you’re a talkative person, a semi-open kitchen is a perfect choice for you. You’ll get to talk with your friends while you cook. It also offers the required privacy and keeps your recopies secret. Get in touch with your architect and tell them about all your requirements, so they can come up with a perfect semi-open kitchen that fits your needs, space, and budget.

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