Four Things Homeowners Can Do to Green Their Homes
Posted in: Gardening,Home Improvement
On April 29, 2020

These days, we can no longer deny that everything we do can have an impact on the environment. Some animals have already gone extinct. Oceans are now decorated with mountains of plastic trash. The quality of air is now more polluted than ever. These are but a few signs that humans are the very reason Earth is slowly but surely dying. The good news is that there is still hope, and whatever little contribution you can make can be of great help.

They say that change starts at home. By choosing to live a greener and more sustainable life, you can make a difference. You, too, will benefit from making greener choices back home.

Invest in eco-friendly products and equipment

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These days, we have tons of greener options on the market. From cleaning agents to appliances, it is no longer hard to find eco-friendly products and equipment that you can use around the house. When replacing your appliances, you can choose Energy-Star-labeled appliances that are eco-friendlier and more energy-efficient than older models. When shopping for food, choose organic. Instead of wasting money on chemical cleaners, you can create your own cleaners using available ingredients in your house.

Consider a vertical garden in your backyard

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One good way to green your home is by welcoming nature into it. Why not choose avertical garden system? There are many companies in the Philippines and abroad that can help you take advantage of vertical landscapes. You can turn an empty wall into a luscious ecosystem that is appealing and sustainability consulting services at the same time. They can help create a design to match your taste and maintain your green wall to make it last longer.

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Start composting

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How much biodegradable waste does your family produce each day? By starting the habit of composting, you can reduce your waste significantly. This means that you have less waste to throw into the landfill but add more nutrients to the soil. Afraid of how your compost pile can affect your garden? You can always go for a compost container or suggest that your community build a compost pile altogether.

Practice energy and water-saving techniques

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You may not realize it, but even your smallest habits can help turn your home into a greener space. Turning off the lights and unplugging the appliances when not in use are a simple but effective way to go green. Make sure to fix leaky faucets asap, take shorter showers, and limit bubble baths to conserve water. Washing your laundry in cold water and switching to LED lights are also another way to save water and energy.

Nowadays, there are lots of options that can help you turn your home into an eco-friendlier space at The Architecture Designs. It may take a bit of getting used to, and you even need to invest money at some point. But all your efforts will surely pay off. You can feel a sense of fulfillment, knowing that you have done your part in protecting the environment in your own little ways.

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