Indoor Swimming Pool That You Can Arrange in Your Home
Posted in: Architecture
On August 17, 2020

You should include an indoor swimming pool in the project of your house specially if you dislike the crowd of the public pools. Indoor pools create an exquisite place for the family members where they can relax and have fun. As it will be the central area of your house make sure it is practical and pleasant. While choosing your indoor swimming pool design, there are few important things to be considered:

indoor swimming pool


When you have decided to go for an indoor swimming pool, make sure that the pool is placed on the ground floor. Building a pool on the upper floor is not permitted as it can cause severe damage to the structure of the building. For the basement indoor swimming pools you need to inspect the location very carefully. You need to ensure that there is proper lighting, ventilation and electronic communication. Here, you can also think of building a retaining wall around pool, if there are small kids and toddlers at home that can easily get access to the swimming pool area, thereby falling in the water and drowning.

indoor swimming pool


Indoor swimming pools should be kept dry in order to avoid humidity issues. What will happen to those nasty splashes and overflows? The only answer to these concerns is the drainage allowance on the bounty surfaces. These surfaces let water slide back into the pool. You can also make use of squeegees and deck brooms to check the water flow. If not these, then go for wooden floors and carpets. This will help to keep your pool area dry.

indoor swimming pool


If you are determined to make an indoor pool, be aware of the safety issues and recommendations. You should pay special attention to the surrounding flooring of your pool area. Go for non slippery surface. Choose something which is practical as well as comfortable for the swimmers. Non slippery flooring may not so attractive like the marble floors, but they are the safest choice to avoid any type of risk.

indoor swimming pool


There is a risk of moisture and humidity for the indoor swimming pools. You need proper ventilation filters to maintain this. If you have your pool in a separate area where there is no view on the exterior, you can connect it with a glass door to let fresh air in. The best thing to do is to hire as expert who knows to deal with humidity issues. Too much humidity can be a devastating problem for the entire house as it can even cause your roof to collapse.

indoor swimming pool


Do not cut on the quality even if your pool is very small. Its true that the indoor swimming pool is the inclusive part of your home. However, sometimes it proves to be the riskiest areas. So you should never compromise on the quality of it’s construction material. A good built on quality also enhances the beauty of your pool area.

READ MORE  Most Beautiful In-Ground Swimming Pool Design Ideas

indoor swimming pool


Make sure to go for durable and attractive walls and ceilings in the pool area. Apart from making your pool area beautiful and stylish, you need to make it durable too. Doorjambs, metal or wooden materials get easily damaged with moisture.  Make use of withstanding materials such as glass, enamel and acrylic. This ensures safety and warmth.

indoor swimming pool


Depth of your pool is another important factor to be considered. If there are children or non swimmers in your family, keep one part of the pool shallow so that can also experience the enjoyment of an indoor pool.

indoor swimming pool


Ladders form a mandatory part as they act as the “main road” to go in and out of the pool. Ladders should be reachable, solid and well enlightened. Ladders are very important specially if you have elderly people or small children in your family.

indoor swimming pool


Keep in mind to enlighten your pool area. You should not position the pool in a dark area. You can surround it by windows and skylines. You can also install ceiling lights, optic cable features or remotely controlled illumination. Make sure that your pool feels safely both daily and nightly.

indoor swimming pool


Rectangular residential indoor pools are now too common and boring these days. If you want to create a unique look, go for round, oval or square shapes. The shape of your pool is very important because of space adjustment and uniqueness.

indoor swimming pool


When you are done with the technical part, think about the appearance and the comfort of your pool. You can think about all the cool stuffs that you do around it whether it be parties, dinning or simply relaxing and make arrangements accordingly.

indoor swimming pool


You can also go for a recreational pool if you want. You can give a different style or colour to your pool. Recreational pools give you the freedom to employ the exact style that you want. This will make your swimming area more warm and cosy.

indoor swimming pool


If you want, make your pool close to the exit. You can connect it to an external area such as a French window or a folding door. This adds an extra pleasure specially during winters when you need some of that outdoor warmth.

indoor swimming pool


Roof of the pool area is also to be considered. You can make use of glass panels for the roof just above your pool. This helps you to have to have good outside view of the outside environment.

So the indoor pool design must be in the same tone with the interior decoration of your home. We have tried to curate some of the most popular pool ideas.

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