6 Modern Features You Need For Your 2-Storey Home Exterior
Posted in: Home Decor,Home Improvement
On August 2, 2021

It’s no secret that modern home exteriors are an important part of a home. They create the first impression and they make your property more appealing to investors, buyers and renters alike.

But what exactly does it take for a house exterior to be considered modern? Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can add modern features to your 2-storey home exterior without making too many changes!

Here are six must-have features for a well designed 2-storey home:

1. Well-designed front door

2-Storey Home Exterior

source: pinterest.com

A high-quality front door is an essential component of any modern home exterior and can even be a game-changer in boosting appeal. There are many different types of doors available, but the most common type is the slab door, which has the appearance of a wooden panel that is then coated with aluminium or steel. 

If you’re looking for something a little different, perhaps consider a glazed door, which is a type of exterior door with glass transoms or panels on each side. Similar to doorways that you’ll find in hotel lobbies or offices. A solid wood door can also be refinished to look like a modern glazed door, with glass inserts in the panelling. 

Another feature you may want to consider is a French door. This design features double doors that slide on tracks, allowing easy access between rooms, such as your kitchen and living room. If you have a narrow build, it could be worth compromising on the width of these kinds of doors so that they don’t protrude too far out towards the edge of your entrance area. If not, they are excellent for providing an open feel within your home!

2. Quality windows and skylights that will help with natural light

2-Storey Home Exterior

source: novocom.com

Quality windows are an essential part of any high-quality home exterior. There are various types of windows available, but the most common type is aluminium or steel casement windows, which have a metal frame with dual panes in them that slide open and closed.

Skylights work by funnelling the sunlight into your home through a window from above, which is excellent if you need access to natural light for a study or a kid’s bedroom. These can be either curved or linear skylights, depending on your tastes. Curved skylights make it easier to capture sunlight from a certain angle, while linear skylights are more versatile and can be placed almost anywhere.

In terms of exterior lighting, there are many options available, including solar-powered floodlights, ambient lights that make your home feel cosier in the evening or motion sensor security lights for when you’re away from your property.

3. Welcoming landscaping

2-Storey Home Exterior

source: home-designing.com

Welcoming landscaping will go a long way towards making your property more inviting. To spruce up your front yard, you may want to consider these tips:

  • Plant some attractive flowers and plants in the front yard or garden – this will add an extra splash of colour and life to your home!
  • Choose trees suitable for the climate in your area, for example, drought-tolerant trees if you live in a dry region. This is also important for decking or patios in wet climates, so they don’t become submerged when it rains.
  • If you’re looking to build a fence, make sure it’s at least 2 metres high and that it blends well with the house. 
  • If you want to boost property value, consider constructing a pond in the centre of your entryway; this will also provide a sense of zen and greenery.

4. Porches & decks to enjoy outdoors comfortably

2-Storey Home Exterior

source: home-designing.com

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One of my favourite features of many modern homes is the porch. Porches are lovely additions to any home for a host of reasons.

A porch allows homeowners to enjoy their property and interact with it differently, such as having breakfast on the porch or watching the sunset from a comfy chair. A porch is also an extension of your living space; it can be used for things such as cooking for guests or hosting parties.

Porches are easy to construct, all you need are some sturdy posts embedded into the ground, and you’ll probably be able to find someone locally who can cut down a tree branch and make it into a railing for you. Some modern houses also have large decks attached to them, which can be great spaces for hosting parties or relaxing with friends. Most decks are made out of wood, but you can experiment with other materials.

If you plan on entertaining guests often or having picnics outdoors during warm weather, adding a few tables and chairs will make your life easier – it’s much more pleasant to eat outside when you have everything at hand!

If the space is large enough, consider putting some plants in the area. You should also be careful about where you place your deck. If you want privacy from neighbours, don’t build it on the side of your house that faces them.

5. Designing for long term residence

2-Storey Home Exterior

source: houzz.com

Today, people often build houses that cater towards long-term residence (one or even two generations), intending to stay in them for many years. Planning like this will save you some trouble in the future, as new trends come out all the time, but older styles tend to stay popular. For example, suppose you design your house using classical façades and restrained ornamentation. In that case, it’s unlikely that anyone will hate it 30 or 40 years from now as it will be vintage and unique to the houses that go with the times.

If you’re going for a more classical style, it’s also a good idea to design the interior using simple furniture and colours. Most classic designs use white walls with dark floors or light floors with darker shades; this makes the house look elegant. It’s much easier to add your personal touches in small ways than it is to attempt a full-scale renovation!

6. Get help from a home design expert

2-Storey Home Exterior

source: ksa-g.com

A two-storey home design expert’s help in this situation would be advantageous because they guide on the best approaches to spruce up your home and fit within a budget.   

They can also tell you about how to get planning permission for something new and design for long-term residence. The price of hiring a professional will be offset by the money and time that they save you, so it’s definitely worth considering this option!


In conclusion, there are many aspects of modern homes that you can improve on to spruce up the exterior. The best part is that it doesn’t have to cost a lot for your home to look great – simply adding some plants or tables and chairs will make all the difference!  Just make sure that you plan and get help from a home design expert if needed!

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