Tips for Moving Safely to a New House During the Covid-19
Posted in: Religious,Residential
On October 8, 2020

The rise of the Novel Coronavirus has reshaped the way humans exist on this planet. From jobs, education, and business, people have found new ways to go about their daily affairs. The same is the case with moving to a new city and settling there. It is no more a walk in the park if you are looking to relocate to a new city. The truth is that it never was easy to resume life in a new habitat. However, with the right mix of tips and experience, you can ace it.

The following set of tips will help make your move a safe and rewarding experience amid the global pandemic. So, let’s get the ball rolling!

Choose Your Moving Company Wisely

Moving Safely to a New House


Moving to a new house or a city has always been a specialized job. It has become even more difficult since the arrival of the pandemic. That is why you should choose your moving company wisely. An excellent moving company will cater to all the essential needs of a move. Since authorities want people to avoid human interaction, it is wise to get your moving quote through digital means. Many moving companies have their websites and apps to book their services. So it is an excellent way to stay away from the public.

You can also choose temporary storage for your belongings. Suppose you live in Texas and want to move to your new house, and worrying about your heavy furniture and unnecessary stuff to store. In that situation, it is good to opt for Carrollton storage units because it will ease up the whole process.

Keep in Mind Covid-19 Sops

Moving Safely to a New House


The world has changed since the rise of the Novel Coronavirus, and you should keep in mind the set of rules (SOPs) formulated by the government. These rules are there to help you stay safe amid the global pandemic. That is why you should ensure that you adhere to these SOPs and move to your new place without any health issues.

Wash Your Hands Regularly: While you pack your stuff in cartons, make sure to keep your hands clean and sanitized all the time. You might have to go out several times to purchase packing material and other things during packing stuff. Make sure to sanitize yourself every time you have to enter or exit the house. Also, spray sanitizer on your steering wheel before you use the car. Make sure that you wash your hands entirely and rinse it for more than 20 seconds. It is always a great idea to restrict your movement to one room of your house while you have to pack your stuff.

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Handshake, No More a Good Idea: Back in the days, It looks terrible if someone refused to shake hands. It isn’t the case anymore. The rise of the global pandemic has restricted human interaction, and now people should refrain from shaking hands with each other. You may touch your elbows to greet each other or adopt Japanese ways of welcoming your friends and family members.

Moving Safely to a New House


Maintain a Safe Distance: Aristotle said, “Humans are social animals.” However, the rise of Covid-19 has changed that, perhaps, forever. Now, you should maintain a safe distance from each other to stop the spread of the pandemic. When you are packing and unpacking your stuff, you have various people, including drivers and labor. You don’t have to participate in the process; instead, you should let the laborers do their job. Also, make sure that your kids, elders, and pets stay away from laborers to adopt safety measures against the pandemic.

Wear Masks: As part of keeping your safety against the pandemic, always make sure to wear masks while you have to deal with fellow humans. Also, wear a mask when you have to go to public places.

 Follow CDC Protocols Religiously

To ensure public safety, The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has rolled out various protocols amid the pandemic. As a responsible citizen, you have to make sure that you wear a mask, refrain from touching your face, especially nose and eyes, regularly disinfect yourself. You can find out more about CDC protocols here.

Moving Safely to a New House


Disinfect Your New Home Before You Settle In

Disinfecting your belongings and furniture is not enough when you move to your new house. Before you start unpacking, make sure that you have disinfected your new home. You can always contact your local government agency if you have questions regarding this task.

The Final Word

Moving to a new place or house is not a walk in the park during these testing times. It is at all times a brilliant idea to go for a professional moving company’s services and settle into your new place with ease and peace of mind.

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