Tips To Choose The Perfect Kitchen Sink
Posted in: Kitchen
On March 20, 2020

The kitchen sink is probably the most versatile feature of the entire home. The selection of a new sink is more important to the style and functionality of the room than you might think. To narrow down your choice here are some helpful tips on picking the perfect sink.

Know The Styles

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For the three main types of sink, it’s worth knowing the benefits of each, so you can apply them to your kitchen space, and determine which one will work best. 27-inch under-mount sink is fitted from underneath to fit flush with the countertop. They are limited in the material due to the fitting but you can use a range of solid materials that will support the strength of the sink. They provide a sleek look to the counter and make cleaning easier. Top mounts are dropped into a cutout in the sink. They are cheaper and support any material. Top-mounted sinks are the most common you’ll see in the kitchen. Integrated sinks are a popular modern choice these days because they can be made from the same material as the countertop to give you the integration the name suggests.

Prioritize Practicality When Choosing Your Kitchen Sink

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The process of choosing a kitchen sink can spring up distractions in materials, sizes, colors, and bowls. All you need to focus on, to begin with is how you use your sink and what your practical needs are. If you regularly wash large dishes by hand you will want a large bowl. If you like to cook then a double bowl or a 60/40 split would be handy for your multiple needs. Stainless steel is a durable and hygienic surface to cook with raw meats, so you can incorporate that into your sink design.

Material Composition

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When choosing the sink material you will also want to look at your surrounding countertops to factor in the fittings. If you’re using stainless steel or stone tops then any taps can be installed into the work surface due to their resistance to water. A wood or laminate surface will need a sink with a tap mounted and extra drainer room as those materials are less susceptible to water damage.

Determine Budget

kitchen sink


The amount of money you spend depends on more than just the price of the unit you’re buying. If you want to upgrade the size of your sink you will need to factor in the cost of refitting it to a new countertop. For lower maintenance projects consider a new material that will fit your existing counter space.

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Choosing a kitchen sink can be an enjoyable experience if you know what you’re looking for. Save yourself from getting bogged down in options that don’t work by following these guidelines to give yourself the most streamlined buying experience. As the most used part of the kitchen, make sure you include the sink in any remodeling thoughts, as it is too often forgotten. A well thought out sink can increase the functionality of the room as well as your own convenience. See more ideas about your kitchen at the architecture design.