18 Most Famous Sculptures Around World - 13 is Pieta by Michelangelo
Posted in: Religious
On November 20, 2018

The renaissance is actually a period of European culture, artistic, political and as well as we can say the rebirth of the historic period. Generally one can describe as taking place of the 14th century to the 17th century, the Renaissance period, therefore, promoted the rediscovery of the old classical philosophy, literate and artistic works. And here from the prehistory period, we have ranked the top best sculptures of all time.

Here is the list of the following renowned sculptures:-

1.Bust of Nefertiti by Thutmose

It is a portrait symbol of feminine beauty.

Apart from these 6 others are also mentioned here.

Famous Sculptures

Source: en.wikipedia.org

2.Terracotta Warriors

Famous Sculptures

Source: smithsonianmag.com

3.Nike of Samothrace

Famous Sculptures

Source: commons.wikimedia.org

4.Venus de Milo

Famous Sculptures

Source: it.m.wikipedia.org

5.David by Donatello

Famous Sculptures

Source: spokesman.com

6.David by Michelangelo

This antique piece is the most iconic works ever made in all-time history.

Famous Sculptures

Source: thegospelcoalition.org

7.Statue of Liberty

Famous Sculptures

Source: nycgo.com

8.The Thinker by RodinFamous Sculptures

Source: dia.org

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9.Lincoln MemorialFamous Sculptures

Source: nypost.com

10.Balloon Dog by Jeff KoonsFamous Sculptures

Source: widewalls.ch

11.Maman by Louise BourgeoisFamous Sculptures

Source: guggenheim-bilbao.eus

12.The Ecstasy of Saint TeresaFamous Sculptures

Source: the-talks.com

13.Pieta by Michelangelo pietaFamous Sculptures

Source: commons.wikimedia.org

14.Christ the RedeemerFamous Sculptures

Source: nowinrio.com

15.Manneken pisFamous Sculptures

Source: manneken-pis.be

16.The Great SphinxFamous Sculptures

Source: medium.com

17.Cloud GateFamous Sculptures

Source: anishkapoor.com

18.The DiscobolusFamous Sculptures

Source: en.wikipedia.org

The Terracotta Army,(210-209 BC), Gian Lorenzo Bernini (Ecstasy of Saint Teresa), Auguste Rodin (the Burghers of Calais), Constantine Brancusi (Mlle Pogany, 1913), Duchamp (Bicycle Wheel), Andy Warhol (Brillo Box, 1964), Donald Judd’s Untitled (Stack) in 1964, Yayoi Kusama’s (Accumulation No. 1, 1962), Eva Hesse (Hang Up, 1966), Richard Serra (House of Cards), Louise Bourgeois (Spider, in 1996), and lastly Cloud Gate, in 2006.

All these are some of the famous sculptures which are still now famous for its marvellous architectural designs.

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