Best Roofing Materials That You Can Use for Your House
Posted in: Commercial,Home Improvement
On December 29, 2020

Constructing a house requires a person to be decisive about the materials to use. Roofing is one of the most critical activities in building a house: get your roofing right and have a fantastic house. A good roof is eye-catching, and it’s supposed to give the best impression to people visiting your home. Some suitable roofing materials are expensive, but opting for cheaper substandard ones is not recommended and can be costly to maintain. Some of the best roofing’s are asphalt shingles, metal, clay tiles, concrete roofing tiles, and slate, which we will discuss in this article.

Asphalt shingles



It is estimated more than 75% of house owners in the U.S use Asphalt shingles as their roofs: why is this the case? This type of roof is made up of asphalt and mineral granules, making it considerably strong. There are two types of organic asphalt and fiber shingles. The fiber shingles are fire-resistant, hence can offer adequate protection in case of an inferno. Asphalt roofs are affordable even to low-income earners; they come in various forms, manufacturers giving a wide choice range to house owners. Asphalt is lightweight; it can easily be installed and can last up to thirty years.

Metal roofs



Metal roofs have existed since time immemorial maybe even our grandparents’ tops were made of metal. Metal roofs are made up of zinc or aluminum: these materials are generally durable, heat resistant, and protect against adverse weather conditions, i.e., storms. Metal is Eco-friendly because it’s recyclable; the roofs come in different colors giving variety to the buyer. Due to its durability, it can sometimes be expensive, but it offers good long term service.

Clay tiles roofs



Early constructions used mud from clay soil to roof houses; modern technology improved these roofs to tiles. Clay is generally resistant to decay, acidic rain in polluted areas, and fire. Clay tiles are beautiful; however, its fragile, and great care should be taken during installation or repair. Light-colored tiles are energy efficient, reflecting excess sunlight living the house cool. Clay tiles can last on average for 100years.

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Concrete roofing tiles



Concrete roofing tiles are made up of cement, aggregates, and other building materials molded into different tile shapes: they also available in interlocking shapes. They are durable, resistant to impact, and offer adequate protection against fires. They are made in different colors and designs, bringing variety to house owners. Concrete tiles can be a bit expensive, but they last long. They are easily fixable, economical, and are corrosion-free.

Slate roofs



Some of the oldest houses in the world have slate tiles on their roofs. Slate is made of natural, long-lasting stones. Slates are beautiful, occur in various color variations, and have proven to last over 100 years with minimal maintenance when installed properly. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting, they are fireproof, Eco-friendly, and protect against adverse weather conditions.

Wood shake



One would have wrong views about wood not being durable, but wood shake roofing is widely used because it’s durable, reveals warmth, and gives a natural, elegant looking roof. Wood shake is more expensive than asphalt, but more people choose for aesthetic purpose. Wood shake does not come in a variety, and it’s also not resistant to adversity, i.e., fire, storms.

In summary, roofing keeps a house comfortable by keeping harsh elements outside. It is vital to carefully research your preference and consult professionals for quality services. Also, choosing a roofing material depends on the regional climate, individuals’ budget, and maintenance cost. Simultaneously, there are many material options; selecting the wrong one can be problematic and lead to a rise in maintenance costs.

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