Holland Green - The Scandinavian Style for a Festive Home
Posted in: Home Decor,Home Improvement
On December 12, 2023

Creating a winter look in your home can really brighten the atmosphere of a residence during the festive period. Many people are cautious, however, to keep the look classy and contemporary.

A Nordic approach to your decorations this winter is subtle and modern, celebrating the Christmas period without a garish appearance.

This article will look at the best ways to dress up your home as stylishly as possible this Christmas.

What are Nordic-style decorations?

Nordic-style decorations

source: pinterest.com

Typically, Nordic decor doesn’t involve an array of bright, “out there” colours. Instead, there is a tonal approach in a minimalistic fashion. Nothing will stand out too much and, therefore, your home won’t have many mismatches in colour (unless your regular decor is already a little bolder than Nordic tones).

That doesn’t mean you have to sacrfice the beautiful green hints that Christmas usually brings; the main difference is the elegant style that is introduced to your home as opposed to what might be deemed as “tacky”. To avoid homes potentially looking this way, many people now opt not to have tinsel as part of their tree decorations, for example.

Instead, simplicity is key here. At Holland Green, we have a range of ideas that will have your home feeling as festive as possible to match your interior design. There are patterns and details for you to enjoy, however, but the emphasis on this type of decor is subtlety.

The Scandinavian/Nordic designs you’ll see emboldens the message that functionality is key; needless additions are kept to a minimum and the history of this style dates back to the early 1900s.

How can Nordic-style decorations apply to Christmas?

Nordic-style decorations

source: pinterest.com

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Thankfully, it’s possible to achieve the classically Scandinavian approach for this time of year. While you might see less of Rudolph’s flashing red nose, we believe that you’ll love the outcome when you go down this route.

We pride ourselves on listening to your preferences and tailoring our approach to your taste because we know everybody is different and you want your home to be unique and true to you.

During the festive season, you can use beautiful delicate wrapping for paper with charming string tied around it for tradition. Nice additions to complement your dining table, like tall, elegant candles and pine cones for the lovely touches can make all the difference as Christmas approaches.

The lighting and floral effects are kept soft but, when combined with white a Christmas tree and a focus on snowy surroundings, can keep things classy and not overwhelm your house with tawdry features.

Holland Green is an expert architecture and home design company that sets the standard within the industry. We carefully listen to your requests to keep requests as close to your desires as possible, while simultaneously offering advice on what could work well. For any information on what else we do, get in touch with our team today.

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