Upgrade Your Summer Deck to Match Your Spirit
Posted in: Commercial,Home Improvement
On November 25, 2020

Sometimes you have to explain yourself. Other times, the things you invest passion into may speak for you. Your summer deck can speak volumes for the time, work, and dedication you put into upgrading it.

Whether you want to adorn it with plants or a new railing, your deck can always do with some improvement, no matter how little. If you want it to match your spirit and impress your visitors, your deck offers a broad range of upgrading options. 

Choose a New Material for Your Deck RailingsSummer Deck 2

When it comes to deck railings, there are two big alternatives that every homeowner has to pick for a spectacular upgrade: wood or aluminum. Let’s break them down and see which one is the best for you!

Wood railings give your summer deck a vintage, elegant look. They usually contain high-quality materials and tell a lot about your taste. When you use wood for your deck railings, you will impress both unaware visitors and experienced deck owners alike.

Unfortunately, for that elegant look, you have to pay a hefty price. We’re not only referring to the cost of the wood materials, but to the frequent upkeep that you will have to ensure for your newly-upgraded deck. Wood decks need regular cleaning, staining, and sealing to ensure its long-term resistance.

A cost-effective alternative to wood railings is installing aluminum railings instead. They need less frequent maintenance, and they come in a wide range of colors, designs, and open to custom-made features.

The only thing that you will need to take into consideration if you install aluminum railings on your summer deck is to apply a powder finish coat to reduce the occasional wear and tear.

Change the Design of Your Summer DeckSummer Deck 5

If you want to go another step ahead in upgrading your summer deck, you can consider changing the design of its railings. Again, here you will have to choose between a wire deck design and a classic, wooden one.

An open, wire deck design will surely impress your guests, especially if the area surrounding your deck is an eye-catching one. Whether you choose steel or aluminum as the main material in your deck, you can also use cables and bolts to hide possible design flaws.

Cable decks tell others that you are a modern homeowner who is not afraid to accept and adopt innovations in deck design.

However, if you prefer the classic decor with wooden railings, your deck will not speak anything worse about you either. A wood deck shows elegance, style, and timeless luxury.

At GTA Decks, we encourage our customers to test new and old designs to find out which model suits their summer deck the best. We want our customers to feel comfortable regardless of their choice of deck railings and materials.

Additional Upgrades to Take Into AccountSummer Deck 6

When you upgrade your summer deck, you want it to be perfect from the first try. You want to use the best materials, choose the design you like the most, and not to make any compromises. After all, you do not want to overhaul your outdoor deck every year.

Here are a few other aspects that you should consider when renovating your summer deck:

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You can choose from one of the many GTA Decks template designs that we have in our offer, or you can create one that you believe will be more appropriate for your dream summer deck.


Most of the template designs in our offer are affordable. However, if you want a custom-made design for your deck with additional ornaments and features, the cost of the upgrade will increase.

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Some homeowners, who want to upgrade their summer deck on a budget, prefer using vinyl instead of wood railings. While it is a popular and cost-effective solution, vinyl does not have the same imposing elegance that wood railings have.

Regardless of your choice, our team of professionals will assist and support you with your summer deck project every step of the way.

At GTA Decks, we take great pride in providing expert support to all homeowners who wish to bring a bit of charm to their outdoor decks or who need help with any other home renovation project. We are always open to discuss your plans and budget and provide you with viable solutions. So, don’t hesitate to contact us TODAY!

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