How do Home Windows Protect you?
Posted in: Home Improvement
On April 3, 2021

We are destroying our environment without even realizing the impact of harmful rays. While designing the home or any building, designers pay special attention to the placement of the windows. Apart from the aesthetic values, windows are the source of light that is being allowed to enter your home. In the past, designers only used to consider the safety of the house so there was nothing special about the design and structure of the windows. The ever-changing industry started demanding new and innovative designs for windows. Door and windows manufacturers introduced many new designs and materials to serve the purpose of better aesthetic value and safety.

Eco Choice Windows and Doors engineers have been serving the community for a long time with innovative and practical solutions for home improvement. We understand the threats posed by toxic rays of the sun and our aim is to reduce energy consumption too. Our innovative windows are not only energy efficient but offer better resistance against UV rays and other harmful toxins in your surroundings. In case you need windows replacement for the old designs and installations, Eco Choice Windows and Doors can help you with the most efficient windows and doors.

Old Windows Pose Threat to Human Health



Are your old windows made to stand against the UV rays? Old windows and other installations were not meant to offer protection against these harmful rays. Almost the same materials were used to make the panes of the windows. A single thin layer of glass is not going to offer the desired protection against the dangerous rays of the sun. Continuous exposure to these harmful rays can cause different skin diseases.

The use of double-pane and thick glass in modern windows offers better resistance against the penetration of the rays and it also blocks the escape of the heat. Eco Choice Windows and Doors add a dedicated layer for better protection against UV rays through windows.

How Modern Windows Eliminate UV Risks



More than 90% of skin diseases are caused by exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun. As you spend most of your time in the home so at least you must be safe from these UV rays in the premises of the house. Not only the skin, but UV rays can also damage the human DNA too leads to serious health issues. Homeowners in the colder region think they don’t need windows replacement as the colder environment does not pose threats due to rays.

This misconception needs to be corrected because harmful rays of the sun do the same damage despite the colder weather. Windows need to stop the ultraviolet rays in all types of climate conditions.

Eco Choice Windows and Doors are known to offer the best protection against ultraviolet rays and other toxic rays due to the use of Low-E coating. The thermal-efficient panes also offer added resistance against the conservation of heat. It means that your room will stay hot in winter and the hot air will not enter the room in summer. The regular glass that is used in manufacturing offer only 20% protection against rays while a single pane of Low-E coating offers up to 80% better protection against UV. When several panes are combined in the modern windows, it not only improves the durability of the windows but also ensures 100% protection against UV rays.

UV Rays can Damage Home Items too



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Global warming has caused serious challenges for human survival on planet earth. Not only human life but animals and other assets are also exposed to serious damage due to increasing global warming. You might have noticed the fade on house items due to sunlight. House assets like electronics, sofas, and furniture are also affected due to UV exposure. These materials are not meant to stand against the beating of the sun so you need to block the exposure of rays. If not taken care of this problem, these assets will lose the shine and surfaces will start fading over time.

You cannot cover everything in your house so the better approach is to block the rays from entering your house. The damage is too slow to be noticed but after a certain time, there will be visible damage to your health and personal assets.

Let Eco Choice Windows and Doors Protect you



Premium windows by Eco Choice come with additional resistance against heat flow and UV radiations. The unique design of window replacement offers the desired aesthetic values alongside the increased UV protection. If you are serious about your health and home safety, let Eco Choice Windows and Doors protect you.

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