How to Soundproof a Room: 5 Tips for Successfully Closed in Home Office  
Posted in: Home Decor,Home Improvement
On August 18, 2022

Focusing on your work is hard if you constantly hear your neighbors’ dog barking. Maybe you live in a dormitory or share a living space with someone and want to ensure you can study for an upcoming exam. You don’t want to be that jerk who complains about every little noise they hear. If you’re looking for ways to solve this, you may be looking at options to soundproof your room.  

Of course, there isn’t a “one size fits all” solution to this problem as rooms come in all shapes and sizes. Planning is essential in any line of work, especially if you want to make the most of your time and effort. You’ll want to find out what noises you wish to block and where it’s coming from.  

To create a tranquil environment for your home office, follow these tips below:  

Reorganize your room  

How to Soundproof a Room


If you’ve been looking for reasons to clean your room, this might be what you’re looking for. Placing furniture in certain places helps add mass to walls. The added heft to your walls makes it more difficult for the sound to reach your ears in the first place.  

Bookshelves are also great ways to add a thick layer to your wall without significant renovations. It’s easier to enjoy your books that are easier to reach and in a quieter room.  

Acoustic Wall Panels  

On the topic of adding weight to your walls, you may have seen acoustic foam panels. These panels are a big help as soft materials do a great job at absorbing sound compared to drywall. Acoustic panels are also available in various styles, so if you want to create that studio vibe in your room, this is the way to go.  

One thing that may be unpleasant about wall-mounted acoustic panels is that they’ll damage your walls if you remove them. Thankfully you can use some T-pins or picture hanging strips from your local art store. There are also other ways to mount acoustic panels to your walls, so hopefully, you’ll find a solution that works for you.  

Seal Off Air Gaps  

How to Soundproof a Room


One of the most common mediums that sound moves through is air. To stop sound from entering your room, you’ll need to find any air gaps that lead straight to the outside and seal them off. Even the tiniest opening in your windows or that gap between the door and floor can become sources of sound leaking into your room.   

To eliminate these openings, you can use weatherstripping. Usually, you would use weatherstripping to stop moisture from entering. However, they are also excellent at sealing off air gaps. It’s also great to have soundproof access panels to ensure you’ve eliminated all air gaps in your room.  

Get Thicker Curtains  

Some air gaps are just impossible to seal up. Another thing is that the kind of glass you have may be magnifying your sound issues as well. While it is an option to replace your glass with another one with better sound properties, this isn’t a practical option for everyone.  

Thicker curtains help solve this problem by soaking up sound energy and ensuring they don’t disturb you. It’s not only about getting thicker curtains either. You’ll also need to guarantee that your curtains cover at least the whole window but aren’t too large so that it gets bundled up. Having your curtains bunched up will only worsen the problem as it’ll start reflecting sound instead of absorbing it.  

Lay Down those rugs  

How to Soundproof a Room


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Walls and windows aren’t the only things you should be mindful of. Your floors have a similar problem with windows as the sounds entering or coming from your room are bounced around.   

For this reason, you’ll also need a way to absorb sounds. Rugs would be the most convenient way to place sound-absorbing materials on the floor. They’re also relatively inexpensive and come in various materials and patterns.   

Choosing the suitable material for your rug is also important as they typically soak up moisture. If you have a problem with excessive humidity, it becomes easy for mold to start developing under your carpets.   

Closing Remarks  

We hope you were able to draw some ideas on how you can make soundproofing work in your situation. Soundproofing is a valuable investment that can improve your quality of life.   

Remember, it’s essential to create noise barriers and ensure that it will be a space you can enjoy working in. If done right, you’ll be enjoying your new tranquil space in no time.   

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