Is It Okay To Install A Mini Split On The Roof?
Posted in: Commercial,Residential
On April 5, 2022

Most homeowners suffer in the summer heat because the houses don’t have a cooling system. Since buying the HVAC system is costly, you can opt for the ductless mini-split conditioner. The mini-split is affordable, saves on energy, and is versatile.

A mini-split is also a small structure, the system can cool all the rooms in the house, and it is easy to install. But can you install it on the roof? According to CJ Roofing – a reputable roof repairs company in Dublin you can mount mini split on roof structures in any part of your hom.The truth is, you can mount mini split on roof structures in any part of your home.

Some homeowners fix them under the soffits, while others prefer the device on the roof. However, you have to consider factors like the roof slope and exposure to different elements on the rooftop.

What Is A Mini Split Heating System?

install a mini split on the roof


The mini-split heating system links each room directly to the outdoor compressor. It operates similarly to the HVAC system, but this one lacks ducts. The installer fixes evaporator coils in every room, and each coil has a refrigerant.

When the air in the room is hot, the coils absorb it and send it to the outdoor unit. The air is then cooled and sent back to the rooms, and the cycle continues. These cooling systems are easy to install, use less energy, and are quieter than the HVAC.

Depending on their preferences, homeowners fix the indoor units in the ceiling registers or floor. If you are unsure about your DIY skills, you can book an appointment at Clover Services to connect with mini-split professionals.

Advantages of Mini Split Ductless Heat Pump

Besides being cheaper than the HVAC systems, the mini-split heating systems have more benefits. Some of them are;

1.    Heat Regulation in Individual Rooms

install a mini split on the roof


Mini-split has many indoor units that installers fit in each room, and the heating or cooling of the rooms is different because it depends on how good the coil in the room is. Moreover, homeowners can regulate the indoor units to suit the temperatures they require in the room.

The regulation of the indoor units does not affect the air in the other rooms. This leads to the overall efficiency of the handling unit and increases comfort for the occupants. Besides, there is less energy usage, increasing energy efficiency.

2.    Energy Efficiency

The mini-split duct uses little energy to run. First, it does not have ducts, meaning no extra energy is needed. Also, due to its smaller size, the energy consumption is less than big heating and cooling systems.

3.    Easy To Install

Installation of the mini split condenser in the attic indoor and outdoor mini-split components is straightforward. Some homeowners opt to DIY to save on labor costs. The homeowner drills three-inch holes for each component during installation and then fixes them on the ceiling or floor.

However, you can hire a professional installer if you don’t have the right mini-split installation skills. These have a better experience with the units and do a better job. The unit can also fit tiny houses because you won’t need extra space for ducts.

4.    You Can Fit the Mini Split in Different Places

install a mini split on the roof


If you want to change your home’s aesthetics after installing the mini-split heating system, you can quickly transfer it to your preferred part of the house. Unlike the large HVAC systems, you can hardly change the locations due to the ducts.

Some homeowners choose to fix the air handler on a mini split interior wall or ceiling. Others prefer it when the mini-split is on the roof to avoid tampering with wall sidings and outside decors.

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5.    Economically Friendly

Since the mini-split consumes less energy, it pollutes the environment less. Therefore, most governments give incentives and rebates to encourage people to buy this heating system. The rebates reduce the initial cost of the mini-split.

Disadvantages of Mini Splits

When buying any home appliances, always check both sides of the coin. Although you are more excited by the benefits, the disadvantages will help you know if the machine is worth buying. Some of the cons of a mini-split are;

1.    Maintenance

install a mini split on the roof


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Mini-splits attract a lot of dust and dirt, requiring monthly cleaning. Failure to clean them regularly could lead to ineffectiveness of the system, using a lot of energy. Besides, a faulty system can lead to mechanical breakdowns, which need a lot of money to repair.

2.    Aesthetics

Although you can install the outdoors component of the mini-split on roof structures or hidden parts that don’t tamper with aesthetics, the indoor components are not beautiful. You can only get them in white or beige, which are not suitable for the room designs.

3.    Costly

Mini-splits are more expensive than installing energy-efficient windows or baseboard units. However, these are more effective and can regulate the temperatures of each room.

Factors to Consider When Installing a Mini Split on Roof

Can you put a mini split condenser on the roof? Yes, it is possible to install a mini-split condenser on roof, but you need to consider these factors before calling the installer.

1.    Roof Slope

install a mini split on the roof


Steep slope roofs are hard to work on when installing additional elements. The steeper the roof, the more limited accessibility it has. Besides, these units can easily fall during snowy climates. Working on flat roofs is more manageable, and installing your unit on this roof type could work effortlessly. (we can end this paragraph by answering like) Therefore, if you’re wondering which type of roof is ideal for a mini-split system, the answer is a flat roof.

2.    Direct UV Rays Effect

Installing the unit on the roof exposes it to direct UV rays. Excess heat can cause the unit to work harder, using a lot of energy hence high energy bills. Besides, the working harder of the unit causes a mechanical breakdown of some parts, forcing you to schedule costly repairs.

3.    Use a Mini Split Roof Mount Bracket

Mini Split Roof


Installation of the mini-split becomes easier if you have a roof mount bracket. Buy one that has adjustable sides and can fit various roof pitches. You will incur extra expenses, but they are worth it.

4. Accessing the roof and staying safe

When considering how easy and safe it is for technicians to access the roof for installing and fixing the air conditioner, it’s beneficial to note that the AC outdoor unit can be installed on the roof.

5. Rules and Permits

Different places have different rules about where you can put air conditioners on roofs. Check with your local government to make sure the spot you pick follows all the rules and get any permits you need before installing it.

Mini Split Outdoor Unit Placement Option

Mini Split Roof


You can install a mini split condenser on the roof but before that, you must consider roof options and other places where you can place it.

1.Flat Roof

Flat roofs are perfect for mini-split systems because they’re easy to reach. This means installation is faster and could cost less since there’s no need for complicated equipment or working on steep angles. Moreover, a flat roof often allows for the use of a dedicated mini split flat roof mount, which further simplifies and secures the installation process, ensuring the unit remains stable and functions optimally.

2. Sloped Roof

Installing mini split on roof can be harder on sloped roofs. The angle makes it tricky, needing special care and skills for safe installation. This might mean using special tools and techniques, which could raise installation costs compared to flat roofs.

3. Side of the House

Mini Split Roof


While installing the mini-split condenser on the side of your house utilizes existing space, it’s important to consider how it might affect the overall look of your home. If you prioritize aesthetics or have limited space on the side of your house, consider a mini split on roof as an alternative.

4. Sunken Patio/Deck

Putting the mini-split condenser on your house’s side might protect it from the weather. But, talk to an expert to make sure air can flow properly and it’s a good idea. This will help it work well for a long time.

Final Words

Homeowners with smaller houses prefer inexpensive mini-split heating units. However, most people want to mount the heaters on the roof to keep their wall’s aesthetics while cooling the air in the rooms. Hire a professional installer to do the job better.

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